Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 3)

Based on theoretical considerations and practical simula- 
tions the development of planning strategies for the de- 
sign of integrated systems should be developed, to carry 
out photogrammetric point determination tasks including 
general non-photogrammetric information efficiently in 
/1/ Ackermann, F.: Utilization of navigation data for 
aerial triangulation. ISPRS Congress, Com. III, Rio de 
Janeiro, (1984), pp. 1-9. 
/2/ Anderson, J.M.: A combined photogrammetric and Doppler 
adjustment. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 51, No. 6, (1985), pp. 555-668. 
/3/ Brown, D.C.: Evolution, application and potential of 
the bundle method of photogrammetric triangulation. ISP 
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/4/ Corten, F.L.J.H.: Navigation and sensor orientation 
systems in aerial photography. ITC Journal, 1984-4, 
(1984), pp. 296-304. 
/5/ Düppe, D.: Kombinierte Ausgleichung in der Photogram- 
metrie: Programmkonzeption und Beispiele. ISPRS Congress, 
Com. III, Rio de Janeiro, (1984), pp. 117-129. 
/6/ Ebner, H.: Combined adjustment of photogrammetric and 
non-photogrammetric information. ISPRS Congress, Com. III, 
Rio de Janeiro, (1984), pp. 130-138. 
/7/ Ebner, H.; Müller, F.: Processing of digital three 
line imagery using a generalized model for combined point 
determination. ISPRS Symposium, Com. III, Rovaniemi, 
(1985), op. 212-222. 
/8/ Kruck, E.: Ordering and solution of large normal equa- 
tion systems for simultaneous geodetic and photogrammetric 
adjustment. ISPRS Congress, Com. III, Rio de Janeiro, 
(19984), pp. 578-589. 
/9/ Larsson, R.: Simultaneous photogrammetric and ge- 
odetic adjustment - algorithms and data structures. Royal 
Institute of Technology, Department of Photogrammetry, 
Report 2:48, Stockholm, (1983). 
/10/ Molenaar, M.: S-transformations and artificial co- 
variance matrices in photogrammetry. ISP Congress, Com. 

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