Ostman: I have not been working on that problem neither on
how to estimate the parameters nor on the use of
the parameters. The subject of my paper was for a
given description of the terrain, for instance its
autocorrelation function, to derive the most sig-
nificant parameters.
Jacobi: I think you are right. These methods drove from
the theory that the terrain surface is a Gaussian
process and the break lines can't be considered in
this. I think we will have to have some structural
models based on geo-morphology to take care of break
Ligterink: But I think in the terrain with break lines that
those points are just the most important and most
studies there are being made of the form of the
terrain and so on.
Rauhala : There is an interesting connection between Karhunen
- Loewe expansion and finite element modeling that
I have been using in my array approach to the compu-
tational solution of the finite elements. Namely,
if you utilize Karhunen - Loewe expansion in two
dimensions then the continuity constraints of the
finite element method can be diagonalized. The
resulting diagonal system is a function of wellknown
eigenvalues of a tri-linear matrix. My approach
for an adaptive and automated terrain classification
is to use this property of K-L expansion for the
average sample spacing and putting the deviating
terms to the right hand side. Then this fast two-
dimensional K-L solution can be utilized in each
iteration cycle and the resulting system will be
very closely related to what Prof. Ebner is going
to report in the multi-grid method. There are also
other applications for K-L expansion, e.g., in
physical geodesy. I used K-L expansion for making
the kernel function of Bjerhammar problem in physi-
cal geodesy separable and then used the separable
array solution to the computational least squares
problem. In recent years I have more or less dis-
carded Fourier transformations in favour of K-L,
because there is an extremely efficient way of
implementing K-L in software and hardware. The
resulting computer performs one billion arithmetic
operations per second for an adaptive finite element
solution of millions of parameters in a second.
Fórstner: I have a question and a comment. Did you have to
take the trend of your terrain into account or did
you work with the original data? And a comment to
the break lines. I think there are two aspects of
describing the terrain, one is the deterministic
part and the other the stochastic part. The de-
terministic, that is to say the break lines which
have to be structured and this is more or less a