Full text: National reports (Part 3)

by the Abitibi Power & Paper Company Limited. Detailed interpretation on the 
large-scale photographs in combination with previously prepared stand volume tables 
permit the elimination of field measurements even in the most detailed timber esti- 
mating. The photography used is winter panchromatic. 
The use of interpretation for road locations is general in the industry, and a 
growing use is being made of it for locating camps, river improvements, and logging 
Dr. K. W. Hare has recently completed mapping the vegetation of the Labrador 
Peninsula, basing his work on the interpretation of photographs having an average scale 
of 1:40,000. "These maps were exhibited at Ninth International Botanical Congress in 
Montreal in 1959. 
The Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Branch of the Dominion Department of Agri- 
culture use photographic interpretation extensively in their work. They list the 
following types of projects during 1956-60. 
Dam site analysis 
Canal routes 
Irrigable and reclamation areas 
Watershed studies (topography, soils, vegetation, and storage possibilities ) 
Potential water supplies 
Construction material searches 
Potential land use surveys (in relation to grazing) 
The photographs used are summer panchromatics at scales of 1:15,840 and 1:31,680. 
J. D. Mollard and Associates, consulting engineers, prepared the following com- 
pilation of their projects during 1956-59: 
Type of Photo-Interpretation Study Number of Projects 
Construction Material Searches nn x rer 169 
Since 1956 this company has searched 82,000 square miles and mapped 4,350 
prospects from aerial photos. 
Site-Investigation Studies la ceaaucedeamin 65 
Included here are dam sites and reservoirs, bridge sites, land. slides, new town sites, 
industr'al sites, steam and hydro plant sites. 
Municipal Engineering Studies —. … Pine | ; d 54 
Route Studies 0... Sn AME : : 54 
Included here are highway, railway, powerline, canal, and pipeline studies carried 
out by photo-interpretation. The lines studied in photos vary in length from 
less than a mile to over 500 miles. And the total miles studied runs into several 
1000s of miles. 
Miscellaneous Photo-Interpretation Studies. 2] 34 
Included here are such things as photo-interpretation associated with legal cases, 
land-use and irrigation studies; photo-geologic and fracture analysis for petroleum 
exploration; air-photo studies in the search for base metals and for industrial 
minerals; drainage, hydrology and groundwater studies; planning (i.e. writing 
specifications) for air photography. 
Total photo-interpretation projects since 1956 Ë d Lr Ed 376

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