Full text: National reports (Part 3)

airplanes, owned by the General Survey Office, have been used for aerial photo- 
graphy. Besides, one Cessna 195 airplane has been used occasionally for large scale 
The types of stereoscopic plotting instruments which are in use are: Stereoplani- 
graphs Zeiss C5 and C8, autographs Wild A7 and A8, Zeiss Multiplex and Stereotop, 
Balplex Plotter, etc. The rectifying instruments are of Zeiss production. 
Previously there has not been any instruments for terrestrial photogrammetry 
in Finland, but now a private surveying company has purchased a Wild stereo- 
camera with 120 cm basis and a police autograph A4. 
Education and research 
In the Finland’s Institute of Technology there is a chair of photogrammetry for 
the education of surveying engineers and civil engineers. Dr. R S Halonen was 
appointed to this chair in 1960. Instruction in photogrammetry is also given in the 
Military Academy, the University of Helsinki, and in the Technical College of 
Helsinki, besides which separate courses in photogrammetry are arranged for 
technicians in different institutes. 
The research work is concentrated upon Finnish methods and applications. 
The work is carried out in the Institute of Technology and also in some amount 
in the General Survey Office and in the Army Topographic Service. Worthy research 
work is also carried out in the Forest Research Institute, e.g. for developing a method 
of estimating timber resources with the aid of aerial photographs. 
The Finnish Society of Photogrammetry 
The Society was founded in 1931 and it was admitted into membership in the 
International Society of Photogrammetry in 1934. Total membership is now about 
150. In addition to the normal activities, the Society has during last years carried 
out a large work by collecting its own card file of the photogrammetric litterature 
published before 1958. The classification of the litterature has been based on the 
ITC decimal system. About 2300 cards have been filled until this. For the part 
of the publications from 1958 on, the card file will be completed with the ITC cards. 
The President of the Society is now prof. R S Halonen and the Secretary Mr. 
A Hokkanen, M. Sc. The address of the Society is: Finland’s Institute of Technology, 
Basic Map 1:10000/1 : 20000 
The production of the Basic Map has continued principally the same way as 
explained in the Report of 1956. 
Attempts have been made to proceed to use stereoscopic plotting instruments in 
the basic mapping, especially on such areas where the terrain is not too flat or too 
densely wooded. However, this stereoscopic method has not yet become established 
in use, but research and test works are being carried out to find out its advantages. 
In this work are used one autograph A8 wholly and another part time. Their total 
output is about 3000 km? a year. 
'The total production of the Basic Map is about 11 000 km? a year, and 71 500 
km? has been mapped up to the end of the year 1959. Some of the earliest sheets 
of the Basic Map have already been completed up to date by performing new aerial 
photography and field completion survey. 
In the appendix is shown the mapped area (picture 5) and some samples of the 
Basic Map and of the controlled mosaic on which the map was based (pictures 

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