Full text: National reports (Part 3)

area in the south-east of the state shall be mapped at a scale of 1:31680 with 25 ft con- 
tours using 1:30,000 photography, whilst the remainder of the State, consisting of desert 
and other uninhabited country, shall be covered by 1:250,000 planimetric mapping using 
1:40,000 - 1:50,000, photography. On both map series cadastral information is shown, 
In the areas where 1:21,680 mapping is undertaken a comparatively dense pattern 
of control is available; this consists of triangulation and traverse to which is tied the 
numerous cadastral surveys, Three 7 projector and one 3 projector Williamson Multiplex 
Equipments, assisted by 2 Zeiss Stereotopes, are used to plot at this scale, Owing to 
the fact that a dense pattern of control is readily available,multiplex bridging for 
horizontal position has not been necessary beyond 2 or 3 overlaps,whilst heights have ‘been 
available on every overlap, 
The department's main mapping activity has been the production of the 1:250,000 
planimetric series which is considerably assisting the Commonwealth in its aim to complete 
small scale mapping of the continent, 
The method of compilation of this series is by slotted template assembly. Con- 
trol may be from three sources, geodetic surveys, cadastral surveys or astronomical 
fixations. Because of the type of country where this scale of mapping is carried out and 
its digtant location, the majority of control is supplied by the latter means Generally 
12 astronomical fixations are well positioned over an area of 1% degrees of longitude by 
1 degree of latitude to provide control for template assemblies, 
A grid at photo scale is plotted on a template board over which is superimposed 
gridded compilation sheetsat same scale, 
Manila board templates are cut and assembled on top of compilation sheets and, 
when finally adjusted to control, photo center and.wing points are transferred through 
studs direct to compilation sheets, 
After dismantling templates, detail is plotted by radial line and sketch masters, 
In this series relief is shown by means of hill shading, and spot heights where 
In common with other Lands Departments. considerable large scale mapping is under- 
taken for various other State departments, Generally, photography is flown at a scale of 
1:3400 to produce planimetric maps by means of a Thompson - Watts Plotter for departments 
such as Railways, Main Roads, Sewerage and Water Supply, ete, 
Multiplex equipment has also been employed on large scale mapping, Adopting a 
C factor of 600, photography is flown for compilation of maps at 1:3168 with 5 and 10 feet 
contours for town planning, dam sites etc, 
Photo-mosaics are made and some photo rectification has been done using William- 
son and SEG V Zeiss Rectifiers for the purpose, Generally, mosaics are made immediately 
photography is flown, 
This department also has its own facilities for reproduction and can produce a 
map to the zinc plate stage. 
Department of Lands, Tasmania 
Tasmania established a mapping branch within the State Lands Department in 1944, 
At this time Tasmania was the only State in the Commonwealth which was not partially covered 
by Commonwealth photography, By contracting with a private company approximately half 
the state was covered at a scale of 1:16000 using Williamson Eagle IV camera fitted with 
Ross 8% inch lens, Other areas are covered with Williamson 0,S,C, camera fitted with Ross 
6 inch wide angle lens at a seale of about 1:2h000. Recently, photography has been at a 
scale of 1:32,000 to 1:10,000 flown.with a 6 inch Williamson Eagle IX camera fitted with 
a 1em Reseau Register Glass. 
Tasmania is now completely covered by aerial photography but it is the intention 
to rephotograph areas when required, 
Cadastral surveys in Tasmania are not well co-ordinated and all topographical 
mapping is therefore controlled by a network of triangulation and trilateration of which 
the state is almost covered, 
Standard topographical mapping is compiled at a scale of 4 inches to 1 mile for 
subsequent reproduction at scales of 1:31680 and 1:63360 with 50 feet contours, In 
addition to this series it is the intention to produce a similar map showing the cadastral 
pattern with topographical information less the contours, 
Photography for mapping of this series is flown in areas measuring 1 degree of 

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