Full text: National reports (Part 3)

Brief statement on the historical development of Photogrammetry, 
its present position and prospects in Greece. 
By Dr Eng. Andrew SOKOS, Chief of the Topographic and Cadastral Service, 
Ministry of Communications and Public Works, 
as representative of the State Geodetic and Geophysic Committee 
for the Ninth International Congress of Photogrammetry. 
Introduction: The world revolutionnary inventions in the field 
of measurements and representation of the earth surface, since the ; made 
begining of the last century, Greece, as in all phases of the modern Classi- 
technical civilization has in a way followed the developments with hange- | 
the same as other small nations rythme, with the exception of Pho- 
togrammetry and particularly Aerotopography, the country preceded I 
not only other weak, but finnancially much stronger nations, in July in | 
such a way, that we can include Greece among the pioneers. | 
A sthe over t Services hich. Arc caned: svith TT n com- 
Among the Government Services which are concerned with Topo t Delft 
graphy, only the Geographic Service of the Army (named: Carto- 
eraphic Service, before 1925) and the Topographic and Cadastral | 
Service of the Ministry of Communications and Public Works (na- dl 
; à > f these 
med : Topographic Service, Ministry of Public Works, before 1954) rit, 
have applied photogrammetrv methods with ground, and particu- € 
: i n 
larly aerial topography up to the present. ; ; 
111. Stereophototachymetric Office. 
Terrestrial works. The Service founded in 1889 was equipped 
since the year 1910 with the proper instruments for ground photo- 
grammetry, viz: 
1 Phototheodolite 13 X 18 C. Zeiss - Jena 
1 Stereocomparator Pulfrich | : 
but because of the Balkan War, and the first World War, the actual Recti- 
work started in the year 1917 and 1923. 
so does 
and carries out some medium and large seale surveys by photogrammetric method. 
In addition to the Survey of India, other Departments using Aerial Photography for studies, 
are the Geological Survey of India, Oil & Natural Gas Commission, Damodar Valley and other project 
organizations. The activities of these Departments are very limited and are confined to their special 
fields of work. Photogrammetry is taught in a few Universities as part of a wide course in Engineer- 
0 1575 7-60 ing and Surveying. 

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