Full text: National reports (Part 3)

6 ó - Photogrammetry in Greece 
: ; 3 1 
6. 112 . Photogrammetric Office k 
Aerial works: In 1981 the Service was supplied with : 
1 Hand aerial Camera 13 X 13, à 16,5 cm. 
Pro ipe e 
1 Rectifier Hugershoff 
n but no important work has been carried out by them. 
So, the actual organization of the Photogrammetric Office started 
since 1937, when it was equipped with the following instruments : 
THE 1 Aerial Camera Zeiss - Aerotopograph 18 X 18, f 10 cm. 
(1 i1 Acrial Camsra Wild (87 ¥8 £21 cm. 
2 1 Multiplex Zeiss - Aerotopograph and 
1 Autograph AD Wild 199 
3 Many experimental works, in the begining, and actual works later 
were accomplished with those instruments. 
4 The instruments were distroyed at the end of the second World war 
with the exception of the aerial camera Wild, and the Autograph As. 
5 Since 1947, the Service started to be equipped with modern instru- 
ments, such as: 
| 6 2 Multiplexes (1950) 
| 1 Kelsh - Plotter (1954) 
| 7 1 Autograph Wild AS 
1 Stereotop Zeiss Aerotopograph 
1 Rectifier SEC.V. » 
8 and carrying out again the actual work. 
191 . Stereophototachymetric Section. 
10 Terrestrial Works: The original Topographic Service provi- 
ded for the establishment of a seperate Stereophototachymetric Sec- 
tion since its foundation (1918). The Section was equipped in 1919 
THE with proper instruments by the firm C. Zeiss - Jenna, that is: 
11 1 Phototheodolite 18 X 18, à 19 cm. 
1 Stereocompator Pulfrich 
1 Stereomicrometer 
Pro 2 Mirror stereoscopes 
(( with which many topographic works for hydraulic and hyghway 
12 projects were executed. 
13 Aerial Works: It was in 1925 that aerial Phototopography was 
14 for the first time introduced in Greece, and the following instru- 
ments were obtained from the Heyde - Dresden firm, 
1 Hand camera 13 X 18, f 16,5 cm. 
1 Comparator 
PHo 1 Photogoniometer 
(1 1 Autocartograph Hugershoff 
17 Vol. III. No. 15 
The FX. 105 Survey Camera by v. W. H. TOWNS AND E. DANIELSSON 
18 Vol. III. No. 15 
Multiplex with Two Projectors and Inclinometer by V. A. WILLIAMS are the 
19 Vol. III. No. 15 organi: 
Basket Processing of Prints by J. A. EDEN fields c 
OSO 400 1575 7-60 
378 74 ing anc 

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