Full text: National reports (Part 3)

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2.. The Present Position 13 
which is issued once every three months or by original reports or 
treatises also published in the same Bulletin or in the Technical An- 
nales issued by the Technical Chamber of Greece, There is a num- 
ber of books and independent publications too, in Greek. A list of 
them is the following: 
The errors of sphericity and refraction in Aerophotography 
, 1/.4 Analytical method of reciprocal orientation (1959) 
2/.5 The symbolic method and its applications in Photogrammetry (1953) 
'8/.1 Problems in aerial triangulation (1953) 
'4/.8 Relative orientierung durch Messung reduzierter Parallaxen (1954) 
'5/.9 The theory of errors in photogrammetric model (1957) 
“6/10 La formation de l’image plastique pour un couple indépendant (1959) 
"7/11 The present position of Photogrammetry and its applications (1960) 
Report on Greek aerotopographic works — 1924 Classi- 
Aerial photography - Toposerie Messter—1994 
Report on Greek aerotopographic works—1926 hange- 
Report on Greek aerotopographic works—1930 
Report about the first aerophotographic map of Athen—1930 
The 7th International Congress of Photogrammetry —1952 )nly in 
The oth serie of Photogrammetric Courses in Zurich 
The IVth commitee of I.P.S. in Rome—1954 
The 8th Internationale Congress of Photogrammetry—1956 
Controled mesurings for Photogrammetric research ITO. 
The use of photogrammetric methods on an artificial lake 
SAFIOLEA n com- 
: : ; t Delft 
Electronic Instruments in aerial Photography 
SOKOS. A. p. 
.1/.1 Photogrammetry—1930 16 
.2/.2 Historic development of Photogrammetry—1937 8 f these 
.9/.8 The position of Photogrammetry in Greece—1937 8 ai, 
.4/.4 Aerophototopography in City planning —1939 12 aining- 
.5/.5 Photogrammetry and its applications in Greece—1940 16 ipment 
.6/.6 Precise photography for Architectural purposes—1942 12 Jl ulti 
. 1/.7 Photogrammetry - Terrestrial and Aerial Phototopography—1942 470 L ti- 
.9/.9 Elements of Phototopography—1943 80 
„9/10 Aerophototopography (popular description)—1944 44 
10/11 Thortened Phototopography (Geo - and Aero - Phototopography)—1944 134 
11/12 The aerial photography as topographic maps base—1946 16 
12/23 The mixed method (aero - aud geotopography)—1946 16 
13/24 Simple aerophoto - topographic works—1946 8 
14/25 The principle of bi- and three stereoscopical vision—1946 20 
15/30 The aerial photography for forest surveys—1946 8 
16/34 The aerophototopography before - and after the war—1947 28 
17/35 Relation between photographic - and map scales—1948 16 
18/37 Is the aeroprojector Multiplex economical ?—1949 12 
19/38 Photographic scales and maps of recreation—1949 20 * Recti- 
20/41 Is Multiplex economical and necessary ?—1949 20 
21/42 Simultaneous bi - focal airphotography—1959 32 
22/63 Photogrammetry in Greece—1960 16 
so does 
and carries out some medium and large Scale surveys by photogrammetric method. 
In addition to the Survey of India, other Departments using Aerial Photography for studies, 
are the Geological Survey of India, Oil & Natural Gas Commission, Damodar Valley and other project 
organizations. The activities of these Departments are very limited and are confined to their special 
fields of work. Photogrammetry is taught in a few Universities as part of a wide course in Engineer- 
ing and Surveying. 

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