Full text: National reports (Part 3)

The National Cartographie Centre of Iran ( N. C. C. ) was established in 1953 
of coordinating the many topographic activities of various organizations in 
with the a 
Iran and of carrying out a large mapping programme itself. 
the N. C. C. is part of the Seven Year-Plan Organization» which plans and executes 
a huge cevelopment programme for the country. The mapping programme of the N. C. C. 
therefore; mainly concerns large _ scale mapping (1:1000 . 1:20.000 ) for such technical 
projects as road _and railroad _ construction» development of towns and Lbarboure irrigation — 
projects Mining . projects etc. 
The establishment of the general map of Iran is not a task of the N. C. C» but i9 
executed by the Imperial Iranian Army Map Service» through the assistance of the American 
Army Map Service. 
From the beginning tke N. C. C. bas had a close cooporation with T. A. O. ( Technical 
Assistance Operations ) of United Nations and with the International Training Centre for 
Aerial Survey: Delft: the Netherlancs. 
The Director of the N. C. C.> Mr Ebratimi> received a U. N. fellowsl ip to study 
photogran metry at the Delft - I. T. C. ( 1951 _ 1952 ). Tte Dean of the Delft -1 TC» 
Prof. Schermerhorn» on request of the Governments advised on the proper organization of the 
N.C. C. 61954 .. 1955 ). 
Mr Visser» Lecturer in Photogrammetry of the Delft I. T. C» was attacked to the 
N. C. C. as U. N._T. A. O. Expert for Photogrammetry ( 1957 _ present ). 
Three more U. N. fellowships and one Poirt Four fellowship to study photogrammetry 
in Delft were granted to four N. C. C. engineers, 
Further» on the account of the N. C. C» one engineer and nine photogrammetric 
operators were sent to the Delft _ I. T. C. to study Photogrammetry, while the Chief _ 
Photographer was sent to London and Delft to study Aerial Photography procedures. 
Two photographic technicians have been sent to Germany for a short practical 
course in aerial camera operation and aerial navigation. 

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