Full text: National reports (Part 3)

Furthermore this company contracts for private and government institutes abroad for 
air-photography and map-production. It has at Delft a mapping section which produces 
large and small-scale maps and photomosaics commissioned by inland and by foreign 
institutes and services. 
The Cadastral Service instituted in 1955 a special photogrammetric branch, which 
started production in 1957 after it obtained a stereoplanigraph C 8. Its activities are partly 
the resurvey of areas in need of new cadastral maps and furthermore the production of 
maps on behalf of the reallotment service. In the 1956 report it was stated that the Nether- 
lands Government was considering how this new photogrammetric service could cooperate 
with the existing organizations, so as to insure the maximum benefit of all experience gained 
in the past and of all equipment available in the country. Unfortunately, this consideration 
is still under discussion. 
The activities of the educational institutes mentioned above have continued along the 
same lines. In cHAPTER VI of this report, a few details will be mentioned. It is worthwile 
to mention here that in 1956 an important geographical concentration of productive and 
scientific institutes dealing with photogrammetry took place. At the end of 1956 the new 
buildings established for the I.'T.C., for Meetkundige Dienst van de Rijkswaterstaat and 
for the mapping section of K.L.M. Aerocarto were inaugurated. Since they are built 
adjacent to the old Geodetic Institute of the Technological University (See fig. 1), the 
latter being modernized in 1957, a close cooperation between all these services and insti- 
tutes became possible. Since furthermore also the Military Topographic Service of the 
Netherlands is in Delft, not far from the concentration of photogrammetric institutes, 
mentioned above, it is easy for this service to contribute also to the common efforts for the 
development of Netherlands photogrammetry. 
Cooperation between all these services working as close neighbours can also be demon- 
strated by means of personal relations. Professor Roelofs is also the scientific advisor of 
Fig. 1 Photography KLM-Aerocarto N.V. 

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