Full text: National reports (Part 3)

ConrEN, F. L. Survey navigation and determination of camera orientation elements. 
Invited paper Comm. I, ISP. 
Photogrammetrie, Congress number C,. 1960. 
— Testing in aerial photography. 
Intern. Archives, London 1960. 
EYK, J. J. VAN DER Reconnaissance soil survey in Northern Surinam. 
Wageningen, 1957. 
EvK, J. J. VAN DER, MEESTER, T. DE, and ViLLERS, J. M. pe. The preparation of an air photo-interpreta- 
tion map of the Tugela Basin, Natal. 
To be published in: African Soils, 1960. 
HrnosT, W. F. DEN De kartografische afdeling van de Topografische Dienst. 
Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. 
Deel LXXVI, 4, 1959. 
Jerte, H. G. A contribution to the problem of analytical aerial triangulation. 
Photogramm. Engng., Washington, No. 1, March 1956. 
Vorzeichenfragen an raumlichen Auswertegeraten. 
Photogrammetria, Amsterdam, No. 1, 1955-1956. 
- Errors in height and planimetry in the Stereotop due to its approximate 
solution of the double resection in space. 
Photogrammetria, Amsterdam, No. 3, 1956-1957. 
— Block adjustment by means of analogue computers, 
Photogrammetria, Amsterdam, 1957-1958, p. 161. 
— Weitere Analogien zwischen Aufgaben der Mechanik und der Aus- 
Sonderheft 20 der Österreichischen Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 
Baden bei Wien, März 1960. 
— Analogrecheneinrichtung zür Berechnung und Ausgleichung von Trilate- 
Schweiz. Z. Vermess., Kulturtechn. u. Photogramm., Winterthur, No. 5, 
MEESTER, T. DE Application of air photo-interpretation in a detailed soil survey in Tan- 
ITC-Publications (in print as nr. B). 
REVvERTERA, C. On geological interpretation of topographic maps. 
ITC-Publications, B 3, 1960. 
— On the importance of photogeological keys. 
Escafe-Seminar, Bangkok 1960. 
Rozrors, R. Radialtriangulation. 
Photogrammetria 1959-1960 no. 3 p. 206. 
ROERMUND, J. A. C. E. VAN De kaartering van Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. 
Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea-6e jaargang No. 6, nov. 1958. 
ScHERMERHORN, W. Impressions of the 1956 Stockholm Congress of the International Society 
of Photogrammetry. 
Photogrammetria, Amsterdam, No. 1, 1956-1957, p. 1. 
— Ontstaan en groei van de Meetkundige Dienst van de Rijkswaterstaat 
tegen de achtergrond van de maatschappelijke ontwikkeling. 
Tijdschr. Kadst. en Landmeetk., 's-Gravenhage, No. 5, 1956, p. 214. 
— Het internationale Opleidings Centrum voor Luchtkartering te Delft. 
Ingenieur, ’s-Gravenhage, november 1956. 
— Luchtkartering in de zgn. onderontwikkelde gebieden. 
Ingenieur, ’s-Gravenhage, 70, No. 4, 1958. 
— The adjustment of aerial triangulation. 
Photogrammetria, Amsterdam, 14, No. 4, 1957-1958. 
— The I'TC- Hothmer stereophoto collection of photogrammetric instruments. 
Photogrammetria, Amsterdam, 15, No. 1, 1958-1959. 
— Moderne Probleme der Photogrammetrie. 
Bildmess. u. Luftbildw., Berlin, 1958. 
— Photogrammetric technique for cadastral surveying. 
Rec. British Commonwealth Survey, Officer's Conference 1959. 
— Small-scale photographic coverage. 
Proc. UN Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East, 
Mussoorie, Vol. 2, 1955 (New York 1957). 

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