Full text: National reports (Part 3)

Complete colour separation in combination with stereocompilation is the 
most ideal goal set for scribing process, thereby eleminating many of the tedious 
and errorproducing hand operations assosiated with map production, 
As our topographic maps are to be printed in more than one colour, as many 
coated sheets as there are colours on the map are scribed directly during photo- 
grammetric compilation. Those sheets are: one for the black contents (culture), 
one for brown lines (contours), one for blue contents (shorelines, rivers, swamps 
etc.), and one for wooded areas (green). In addition to this comes a sheet on 
wich all controll points are plotted and wich is used for scaling and leveling of 
the models. Exact register is obtained by at least 2 punch holes in each sheet. 
The immediate product of those photogrammetrically scribed sheets are a 
set of colour separation negatives for wich there may be a variety of uses. 
The result obtained in this field is so far very promising 
AII stereocompilations are always run through a field checking. 
Aera compiled in the period 1956—1959. 
Year/scale 1/100000  1/50000  1/40000  1/20000  1/10000 | Total km? 
1956 ] 488 1 527 169 207 3 391 
110 590 
1957 180 472 654 204 12 100 
2) 793 
1958 3 249 1 764 270 32 6 108 
2) 9 300 
1959 3)2 655 ] 959 3771 17 10 702 
32 301 
1) Compiled by Army Map Service USA. 
2) Compiled on contract by private firms. 
3) Compiled to be used for the series 1/250 000 sheet Sand. 
Kr. Gleditsch 
G. Hagene.

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