Full text: National reports (Part 3)

on the photogrammetrical work carried out by 
Norsk Polarinstitutt, 1956 - 1959. 
In the summers Norsk Polarinstitutt has had 2—3 geodetical or topographi- 
cal teams working. The teams have had their working fields in the central and 
northwestern parts of Svalbard. 
In 1956 a co-operation with a view to oblique photography was arranged 
with the Royal Norwegian Air Force. To this end certain areas were covered by 
vertical photography for geological, glaciological and other purposes. Catalina 
amphibiaplane were used. Although Svalbard by now has been covered in the 
main by oblique photography from a height of abt. 3 500 m, one has decided 
upon having the territory covered anew by vertical photography from a height 
of abt. 7 000 m. 
Norsk Polarinstitutt is maintaining systematic glaciological research in Nor- 
way proper and Svalbard, determination of velocities and variations in glacier 
volumes by means of photogrammetry, in series of mapping operations. 
Publication of the main series of maps on the scale of 1/100 000has been 
continued with the sheets Markhambreen and Prins Karls Forland. In addition, 
a sheet on the scale of 1/20 000 has been issued. Of Jan Mayen a map in two 
sheets on 1/50 000, with 20 m contour lines, has appeared. 
A base map of Svalbard on the scale of 1/400 000 has been carried out. In 
the first instance, the Geographical Survey of Norway will use it for publication 
of aeronautical maps in the international series on the scale of 1/1 000 000. A 
corresponding map of Jan Mayen will also appear. 
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A Norwegian map, published 1946. B Map published 1957. C Map in preparation. 

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