Full text: National reports (Part 3)

Within the scope of the International Geophysical Year, Norway has main- 
tained Norway Station in Dronning Maud Land, 1956—60. Field parties with 
tractors and dog teams have carried out geodetical measurements here. In the 
season 1958—59 two additional parties from Norway participated. Furthermore, 
the Royal Norwegian Air Force participated with two Canadian Otter planes 
and a personel of nine. 
The edge of the barrier was photographed over 25 degrees of longitude, 
from Kap Norvegia in the west to 13? long. E. The great glacier point between 
11* and 14° long. E, appearing on maps since long, was not to be found now. 
v ; 
Mountain area in 30?30' long. E. 
The mountain areas were photographed from Heksegryta in the southwest, 
73*30' lat. S, 4* long. W, to a small isolated mountain area, with a satellite in 
30*30' long. E. A total of 3 000 oblique photographs were taken from a height 
of abt. 4 000 m. Well over half the flying hours were spent on photography, the 
rest on laying down depots and assistace to the field parties. Apart from» test 
development the film was not developed until after arrival home. 
Preparation of the mapping material from northern and southern polar 
regions, belonging to Norsk Polarinstitutt, has been hampered due to insufficient 
Norsk Polarinstitutt has issued the map Sór-Rondane on the scale of 
1/250 000, with 100 m contour intervals. The map was constructed according to 
two photo strips of USA origin, taken during Operation «Highjump», 1946—47. 
Bernhard Luncke.

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