Full text: National reports (Part 3)

Photomosaics produced by Widerge’s Flyveselskap A/S 
Large scale Medium scale Small scale 
Km2 Sq.miles Km? Sq. miles Km2 Sq.miles 
before 1956 — 2 000 710 13 000 5 000 19 000 7 300 
1956—1959 5 000 1 930 43 600 16 830 17 200 6 639 
Tot. 99 800 km? 7 000 56 600 36 200 
38 469 Sq.miles 2 700 21 830 13959 
The company has been extensively used in public and private contracts. The 
regular clients represent all the users of aerial photographs in Norway, and 
nearly every governmental department, as well as the military forces. 
During 25 years Wideróe's laboratory has been the sole producer of copies, 
enlargements and mosaics for the whole Norwegian market concerning aerial 
photography, and has gained a wide experience in all fields of laboratory work. 
Last year the company took part in the Norwegin survey expedition to the 
Vilhelm Skappel, 

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