Full text: National reports (Part 3)

methods with the use of photographic interpretation and 
helicopter at reallotment of forested land. Int. Archives 
of Photogrammetry, Vol. XII. 
— Some photointerpretation problems at reallotment of for- 
ested land. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XII. 
Ottoson, L.: Comparative tests of the accuracy of panchro- 
matic, infra-red and colour pictures from the air for 
photogrammetric purposes. Int. Archives of Photogram- 
metry, Vol. XII. 
— Investigation of some systematic deformations of the pen- 
cils of rays in a stereoplanigraph. Int. Archives of Photo- 
grammetry, Vol. XII. 
— Adjustment of the centering of images in projectors with 
the aid of fiducial marks. Int. Archives of Photogram- 
metry, Vol. XII. 
— Determination of the radial distortion of a Multiplex 
projector. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XII. 
Rebnlund, E.: Determination of some systematic deforma- 
tions of the pencils of rays of photogrammetric plotting 
instruments. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XII. 
Rikets allmánna kartverk: Photogrammetric activities at the 
Geographical Survey Office. Meddelande No. 27, 1956. 
Sigmark, E.: Some examples of the application of the grid 
method for the determination of the inner orientation of 
terrestrial cameras. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. 
Simonsson, G.: Device for measurements of parallaxes. Int. 
Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XII. 
Tham, P.: Skogsfotokarta. (Photogrammetric maps in forest- 
ry.) Skogen No. 7, 1956. 
— Skogsfotogrammetrisk utbildning. (Photogrammetric train- 
ing in forestry.) Skogen No. 11, 1956. 
Thorén, R.: Naval photo interpretation. Int. Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Vol. XII. 
Thorên, S.: Model scales and gear box settings for the Wild 
A7 Autograph. Sv. Lantmaiteritidskr. Congress Number 
— Coordinate transformation by means of the Facit calculat- 
ing machine ESAC. Fotogrammetriska meddelanden, Vol. 
IL, No. 6. 
— Practical application of the numerical adjustment of the 
relative orientation. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, 
Vol. XII. 
Vegesack, B. v.: Photo-interpretation at the commencement 
of the atomic age. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. 
Welander, E.: A preliminary investigation into the resolving 
limit of aerial photographs. Int. Archives of Photogram- 
metry, Vol. XII. 
Astrand, L.: Aerial photography with small aircraft under 
tropical conditions. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XII, parts 
1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b—Proceedings of the Stockholm-Congress. 
Edited by dr. P. O. Fagerholm. 
Axelson, H.: Flygbilden i skogsbruket. (Use of aerial photo- 
graphs in forestry.) Skogsigaren, 1957 No. 2—3. 
Ericsson, H.: Hjilpmedel avsedda att underlitta anvind- 
ningen av flygbilder i fält. (Equipment for field use of 
aerial photographs.) Information 1957, No. 5. 
Fagerbolm, P. O.: Photogrammetry in Swedish Hydrographic 
Surveying. The Int. Hydrographic Review, 1957 No. 2. 
— Konferens angáende fotogrammetrisk triangulering i Otta- 
12 swEDEN 
wa, Canada, den 27—30 augusti 1957. (Conference on 
photogrammetric triangulation in Ottawa, Canada.) Sv. 
Lantmäteritidskrift, No. 4. 
Forsell, M.: Nomogram fór parallaxkorrektioner till fóljd av 
optisk felteckning, jordkrókning och refraktion. (Nomo- 
gram for correction of parallax caused by optical distor- 
tion, earth curvature and refraction.) Sv. Lantmäteritid- 
skrift, No. 4. 
Hallert, B.: Determination and correction of systematic er- 
rors in the fundamental operations of aerial triangula- 
tion. Photogrammetric Engineering 1957, No. 4. 
— Das Prinzip der numerischen Korrektion und die Radial- 
triangulation. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 1957, Nr 1. 
— Untersuchungen über die Genauigkeit des ersten Modelles 
einer Aerotriangulation. Schw. Zeitschrift f. Vermessung, 
Kulturtechnik u. Photogrammetrie 1957, Nr. 2—3. 
— Determination of the accuracy of aerial stereophotogram- 
metry. The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. II No. 9. 
— Bestimning av noggrannheten i riktningar och vinklar 
som beräknas ur bildkoordinater. (Determination of the 
accuracy of directions and angles as computed from im- 
age coordinates.) Fotogrammetriska Meddelanden, Vol. 
11, No. 2. 
— Härledning av markfotogrammetrins grundliggande pro- 
Jektionssamband och differentialformler. (Derivation of 
the fundamental projective relations and differential for- 
mulae of terrestrial photogrammetry.) Fotogrammetriska 
Meddelanden, Vol. III, No. 2. 
— Bestámning av den inre orienteringen hos fototeodolit 
Zeiss med Ortoprotarobjektiv, f — 192 mm. (Determina- 
tion of the inner orientation of a phototheodolite Zeiss 
with Orthoprotarlens.) Fotogrammetriska Meddelanden, 
Vol. 111, No. 2. 
— Undersókning av noggrannheten i fotogrammetrisk be- 
stimning av koordinatdifferenser. (Investigation of the 
accuracy of the determination of coordinate differences 
by photogrammetric procedures.) Fotogrammetriska Med- 
delanden, Vol. III, No. 2. 
— A new method for analytical radial triangulation. Photo- 
grammetric Engineering 1957, No. 1. 
— Noggrannhet vid flygfotogrammetrisk bearbetning. (Ac- 
curacy in aerial photogrammetric plotting.) Teknisk Tid- 
skrift 1957, No. 22. 
— Fotogrammetrins betydelse fór skogsbruk och jordbruk. 
(The importance of photogrammetry for forestry and agri- 
culture.) Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens tidskrift 
— Den internationellt organiserade mâlforskningen inom 
fotogrammetrin. (Internationally organized applied re- 
search in photogrammetry.) Sv. Lantmiteritidskrift 1957, 
No. 1. 
— Die Gittermethode und ihre Verwendung fiir Untersuch- 
ungen in der Photogrammetrie. Bildmessung und Luftbild- 
wesen 1957, No. 3. 
— Om markfotogrammetrins noggrannhetsfórhállande. (On 
the accuracy of terrestrial photogrammetry.) Fotogram- 
metriska Meddelanden, Vol. III, No. 2. 
— Determination and correction of systematic errors in the 
fundamental operations of aerial triangulation. Photo- 
grammetric Engineering, 1957, No. 4. 
— Fotogrammetrin i kriminalteknikens tjánst. (Photogram- 
metry and criminalogy.) Polistekniska hjilpmedel i dag 
och i morgon, 1957. 
Hallert, B.—Ternryd, C. O.: Resultat av praktiska under- 
sokningar av markfotogrammetrins noggrannhet. (Results 
of practical investigations of the accuracy of terrestrial 
photogrammetry.) Fotogrammetriska Meddelanden, Vol. 
111, No. 2, 

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