Standard Error
Easting * 5,4 yards
Northing + 5.7 yards
Height +10,5 feet
The average number of overlaps from these tie points to the nearest control area
was six,
Time Factors
The following table gives a rough estimate of the average time taken per overlap.
The figures are only approximate and could vary in accordance with experience of the obser-
ver and computer,
Task Time per O'Lap
in Man Days
Preparation of diapositives for obs, 165
Observing and Booking 40
Preparation of obs, for UTECOM +15
Strip Adjustment 25
Block Adjustment „10
Total ver overlap 495
A reduction of the above times could be achieved by the use of a camera posses-
sing better definition and distortion characteristics and a finer reseau. The use of a
self-recording stereocomparator such as that now being produced, by Hilger and Watts would
also increase both the speed and accuracy of the observing and would dispense with the
necessity for a booker, From experience it is estimated that the use of such equipment
would reduce the above time by at least 25 man days per overlap,