Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

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Prom (10) the overcorrection coefficient (k) is then obtained, as k = > + 
The variation in k is demonstrated in fig 5. 
Ze The accuracy of height measurements in the stereo-model 
5.1. The influence of relative orientation on accuracy of height measurements 
The height errors which are obtained in stereo-models because of errors in relative orientation are in 
conformance - for dependent pairs of pictures - with the following well-known formula: 
2 2 
di ; a - h +(x-b) (x-b)y 
ah =a), (1 d) ax, ; af dw 
The errors caused by relative orientation in the six fixed elevation control-points will be as far as 
possible compensated for in absolute orientation. In these points the following correlations are obtained: 
2 2 
4 4h +4b ay 
dh. = Wz, 45 
2 4h 4b 
dh + a7 = dbz +—- 7; 
dh + bd = Ak. aq, 
2 2 
X + dbz a LT 
dh + dd£ 
b hd 1 4h^4b d 
. = = — (| = dau 
dh, + 247 + d-df DAC à + 2002, + Y.+3 2 
hd an? 
[5 + bd + d-d§ = = sat 2 + *" . a 5 
The system of equations supplies the following solution: 
h 1 
af =- b alt, + dw, 
1 d 
an =-— dbz, -ap,- Xr dU, 
dh = db nt + 48 ay, + À au 
o! (00.02 t s 12 2 4 2 
The following errors in height measurements are obtained in this case: 
2.25 „X hib. d ar i 
dh = dh +xd7) *y ag = - 3 a 2t ( b dbz, * | t= + 35 x | a Ÿ 2157 +5) 1 Va 
To this must be added the direct influence of relative orientation; see formula (12). The sum will then 
look like this: 
= à E. X, la 
(Bd) eg b D +7 5) va 

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