Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

In the same way as in formula (18) we obtain: 
a 77/7 2 V3, ; (23) 
: h 
Where At h is assumed to be - R/' (24) 
3.3. The final accuracy of height measurements 
Por accuracy of the identification we finally obtain 
i^ (25) 
Shi „AM h' (26) 
Total standard error in height measurements is obtained by utlizing formulas (18), (23) and (26): 
(s, )* j? 
hp = Bar) + (Spa) + (5g) (27) 
Average accuracy within the normal stereo-model is obtained by double integration; on the x-axis between 
the limits O and b, and on the y-axis between the limits O and d. 
x-b yzd 
S 2 S 2 
beds T - — | ax dy (28) 
x=0 y=0 ^ 
2 2 2 
b à 4Th 
=D qp tT Qwo* (29) 
80 "Up *1uu oy 
The variation of n for different values of e is demonstrated in fig 4. For e - 0,5 d & minimum 
value of 2.00 is obtained. The same value is also obtained for e = - 0.24 d. 
In comparison it can be said that in conventional stereo-models (relative-orientated in points 11, 15, 
31, 35, 51 and 55 and with elevation control-points in 11, 13, 15, 51, 53 and 55) the value 1.93 is 
obtained for the corresponding function. 
S S 
For e = 0.5 d minimum values of = Ix| and £3 have been obtained. 
The appearance of function has been designed in fig 5 for the value e = 0,5 d. About the same 
accuracies are obtained for e = - 0.25 d. 
For comparison we have in fig 6 designed the appearance of the function for e - - d and also in fig 7 
designed the appearance of the corresponding function for e - - d and three of the elevation control- 
points in 51, 53 and 55 instead of 31, 33 and 35 (the conventional stereo-model). Cf. [5] . 
1) Hellert, B., Stockholm 1956: Uber die Genauigkeit der Luftphotogrammetrie. 
2) Kvarnbrink, T. - Thunberg A., Stockholm 1956: A method for the Investigation of Ground Visibility 
in Aerial Photography over Forest Areas. 
3! Ühlin, K.A., Stockholm 1958: Noggrannheten vid extrapolerad fotogrammetrisk hójdm&átning (The Accuracy 
of Extrapolated Photogrammetric Height Measurements). 

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