Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Table 2. List of the coordinates x, y and the elevations z of control points for 
oblique photography. Grimeton 1957. 
| | The coordinates x and y 
| corrected for elevation 
| Point x y z differences 
| m m | m 
| | X corr Y corr 
| m m 
K 0 39.9569 | 0.0000 9.370 39.7582 0.0000 
| K101 30.7665 | — 8.7284 9.680 30.6866 | — 8.7058 
| 3 13.5490 | — 25.1359 10.221 19.5494 | — 25.1812 
| b | — 22805 | — 401734 10.284 — 2.2856 | — 40.2663 
| 7 — 16.8624 | — 54.0496 9.961 — 16.8510 | — 34.0825 
| 8 | —23.7829 | — 60.5911 9.924 — 23.4182 | — 60.5602 
| 9 | —804194 | — 66.9174 9.856 — 80.3888 | — 66.8391 
| 10 | — 86.7864 , — 72.9851 9.856 —- 86.7434 | — 19.8997 
| K201 30.7788 8.1818 8.962 30.5208 8.6582 
f 18.5598 | 25,1297 9.532 13.5014 25.0844 
5| — 24974 | 40.1061 9.690 — 2.1921 40.0058 
| * | — 16.8848 54.0561 9.475 — 16.8126 53.8263 
| 8 | —28.7623 | 60.6296 9.426 — 98.6520 60.3479 
| 9 | — 80.3988 66.9376 9.304 — 30.2227 66.5608 
| 10 | — 86.7699 | 72.9976 9.316 — 36.5664 72.5988 
| K 301 49.5591 |— 9.1360 9.848 49.4949 — 9.1247 
| 8 70.1867 |— 28.7678 10.199 70.3005 |— 28.8144 
| 5 92.8850 |— 50.3478 10.316 93.1243 |— 50.4770 
| 7 118.0296 |— 74.2441 10.102 118.7073 |— 74.6708 
8 181.0022 |— 8.1501 11.302 133.0105 |— 88.0835 
9 145.9414 |— 100.7757 12.223 148.6280 |— 102.6308 
10 161.1407 |— 115.2437 12.211 164.6722 |— 1174117 
K 401 49.5498 9.1277 9.429 49.3208 9.0855 
8 10.1122 28.1818 9.398 69.8308 28.5917 
5 | 92.8872 , 50.3503 9.387 92.4264 50.1005 
7 | 118.0322 74.2218 9.654 117.7009 74.0135 
8 | 181.5960 87.1972 9.544 131.1097 86.8151 
9 | 145.9490 100.7859 9.124 144.9165 100.0729 
10 | 161.1700 | 115.2651 9.134 160.0428 114.4590 
cordance with the method of least squares gave a standard error of 
unit weight of the coordinates of 2.1 mm. Then the coordinates of all 
points from 1956 were transformed to the system of 1957 with the aid 
of the determined transformation data. The transformed coordinates 
were then compared with the coordinates from 1957 and the discrepan- 
cies (the corrections) to the coordinates of 1956 could be computed. In 
Table 1 the coordinates x, y and elevations z of the points for verti- 
cal photography from the measurements in 1957 are demonstrated. The 
columns dx, dy and dz are the corrections to the coordinates from the 
measurements in 1956. 

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