Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

| a? :2 492 .2 
dx, = — ldx] (2a2 4 ¢2) HN 4a? + 5c 
A 53 TE KU x 55 
6a2 24a? ¢ 
[dy] (242 + c2) 4a2 + 5c2 
dv ==" Na >>" (6) 
Yo 6a2 +: Nae 24a2 
dz neni (7) 
0 51 Sa 
dete NS => (8) 
r 5 Ro +2 
miii ia eS 
6 24 | a2h 
do — {dl SN54 e (10) 
6 6 a?h 
'The weight and correlation numbers are: 
al 5c4 + 8a2c2 
du HU mdr a (11) 
or YoYo 24a4 
Q =; (12) 
Fog 8a? 
E (13) 
Que 8a2h2 
"qo ~ We) 24a4h2 (14) 
c2 S o : 
Qu m arie i sir (5e? + 4a?) (15) 
The expression for the square sum [vv] is 
Ix]? + [dy]? 
[vv] z [dxdx} + [dydy] — [dx]? - da at 
Nu? Noa? (SNgp—4 [dx])? + SN;4 74 [dy])? (16) 
8 120 

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