Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

From the average of the standard errors certain information is ob- 
tained concerning the basic quality of the various cameras, provided 
that there are no large errors included in the results. For the Aviogon 
there are such large errors included due to the lacking flatness of the 
glass plates, Therefore the demonstrated results of the standard errors 
from the Aviogon camera should not be used for comparison with the 
other cameras. These results are demonstrated only to show how seri- 
ously the errors due to lacking flatness can affect the accuracy of a 
It is also interesting to note the comparatively large standard errors 
of Eagle III when film was used. The affine shrinkage of the film is 
doubtless the cause. 
In summary, the average value of the standard error of unit weight 
of the image coordinate measurements in glass plates is of the magni- 
tude 5 microns. In this value the errors of -the autograph A7 no. 310 
are also included. Concerning some elements of the external orientation, 
see Table 6. 
Table 6. Determination of some elements of the external orientation of the camera 
Eagle III. 
Po Circle Sella, XR d. 
graph microns minutes | 
| : | 
1 jou] + 240 / mo | 39 | 
2 —468 485 19. | 8.7 | 
3 —367 500 — 3.9 | 0.4 | 
4 — 397 496 — 23 0.6 
5 — 410 510 — 18 60 . | 
6 — 420 486 — 1.4 suh | 
weighted means | -413 +493 | — 1.7 | +07 | 
[er e et aan S 
| | 
| HE + 70 49. | —250 OF 
| | 2 | — 8129 610 — 6.6 — 4.8 
| 3 | — B1 465 — 68 2.7 | 
| a > fre au 502 — 02 og | 
| 5 | —421 477 — 12 24 | 
6 —404 468 22 29. 4 
— LT — = | 
weighted means .. | — 409 | T418 | — 1.9 +24 | 
| 8 411 ' 848 —43.4 ss "| 
| 2 —296 408 — 15 51 
| 3 —856 419 - 45 1e 0 
| 4 —878 481 — 86 1.5 
| 5 — 390 483 — 2.9 1.5 
| 6 —410 491 — 1.9 _. 95 
| weighted means .. d: -991 | +485 — 25 1.2 

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