Table 7.
ss FR RO CE)
| Radius Standard error of unit Radial distortion
LL en p c weight of the coordinate
| Do | "in measurements
| microns! microns
| LMC mC | LC LC
dd 12.2 2.4 1.7 + 7.1 0
| 9 24.4 98.5 2.8 + 88 + 9.9
| 8 36.5 3.9 4.2 +80 + 8.1
| 48.4 5.9 23 — 1.7 + 0.3
le Bund. alo | dd id —248 —210
experiment. The lens is of a rather simple construction and is evidently
rather insensible for temperature variations. It would of course be of
126 the greatest interest to test a camera with a more complicated lens un-
tae der the same conditions. The technical procedure is well defined accord-
ment ing to the experiments above.
were 4.2 Furthe che t 2.75 DA. ; s
"urther tests of tvo aerial cameras
)era- D : © s ;
p vid l'wo aerial cameras R. C. 5 (Aviogon) and Eagle IX (Ross Wide-
En Angle) were used for the purpose of collecting ex erience. Both the
| free Sc, purp g exp
om a
n va- er
were 10 " mm
er. In
pera- +10— — IM
A vio- au c
— =
— A 2
T I T T T T m
com- .10 20 30 40 N X 60 70 r'mm
» for-
*mon- -20-
h and
ncipal -304 °
P radial distortion, temp. *40 C
— n" " " - 3 E
or the Ü C
The Diagram 9. Radial distortion. Ross Xpress. ¢ = 126,56 mm. Temperature + 40°C.
il 10 Diagram 10. Radial distortion. Ross Xpress. c — 126,36 mm. Temperature
di _ 30°C.
n this