The standard error of unit weight of the image coordinates is:
m VE = ve (42)
The standard error of the standard error of unit weight becomes
so V 6
Seo = ——- -— 04ls, since there are only three redundant observa-
The affinity can be expressed by the affinity coefficient:
de. — de
A, = x
C 4a
where a = | x
is. !
= Rh R3 (43)
The corrections to the preliminary elements of orientation are found
as follows
c 4a C 4a
de = — Rast Ro (45)
5 ec / 4 …
dp = — — (— [dx] — R5 — Rg (46)
"EE a ( ; ie ;
5 c2 /4
do = — — [— [dy] — R; — Rg 47
cdo Sr : [dy] «| (47)
[dx] = cde
Ee e CE (48)
dx”, s + 5
a, = ET [gp BH) ce (49)
5 c2 5
After recomputation of the standard error of unit weight of the
image coordinate mesurements for the photographs 20 and 2 the follow-
ing results are found: