Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

l/mm à 
304 30 
Nd o Ne Si 
- tang. 154 
104 104 
$-] 54 
Tcr 0 T T T —» 0 e 
T 509 09 13 20 30 40 509 o! 10 20 30 40 50° 
m. Diagram 23. Resolving power. Aviogon. High speed — panchromatic film 
; | , = 11 and plane glass filter). 
Diagram 24. Resolving power. Aviogon. High speed — panchromatic film 
(f — 6,3 and ortho filter). 
1/ mm A 
40 509 
film 104 hy tang. 
0 T T T T T—P- 0 T T T T Toce 
09 10 20 30 40 509 0° 10 20 30 40 50° 
Diagram 25. Resolving power. Aviogon. Low speed — lantern plate. 
Diagram 26. Resolving power. Aviogon. According to the manufacturer. High 
contrast test target. Full aperture. . 
LL rad, 
4.23 The resolving power 
rn For some investigations into the resolving power of the photographs a 
number of test targets were placed along the diagonals of the test field. 
The targets are of the same type as is used by National Bureau of 
Standard, see Fig. 4. There are patterns of three lines and a relation 
10 509 between breadth and length of 1:5. The logarithmic contrast is about 
. g 
film 1:5 and the size variation is V 2, The targets were constructed in 
film such a way that the number of lines pro mm varied between 13 and 50 
for the principal distance 150 mm of the camera. For the distance 125 

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