Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

to the 
de + 
p) dh 
o dy, 
of the 
in the 
nts of 
e nor- 
ly and 
e Tests 
These expressions are applied to suitable combinations of the image 
points. We will here demonstrate the results of an adjustment of the 
discrepancies in five points with the following image coordinates and 
assumed discrepancies: 
Table 15. 
re — 
| Point | x' y' dx’ dy' | 
| 11 | — a — a dx11 dyii 
| 15 | a — à dx15 dy15 
| 51 | — a a dx51 dysi 
| 55 | a a dxss dyss 
| 33 | 30 0 dxaa dyss 
After forming and solving the normal equations we find the correc- 
de = — — Nj (59 
Ta m 59) 
a2 2 232 2 
dx == 425 se Nes — 202 + €? f dx] (60) 
2432 6a2 : 
4a2 4 5¢2 2a2 + c? C cot e 
ty, = = Nsa — ZT (ay) — Ns (61 
Mum E E Nac A E Em (61) 
dy mm oes (62) 
? 4a sin e 
dk — dx; — dx45 + dx; + dx55 (63) 
de — (5N53 — 4 [dx (64) 
e [dx] Les 
e m — 54 — 65 
d (Nay — 4 [dy]) — = (65) 
: 1 2 d 2 Ns 2 : N592 
[vv] = [dx dx] + [dy dy] — [dxj? t ddvls, Nu d Nas 
5 8 
e (SN53 — 4[dx])2 + (5N54 — 4[dy])2 Ns? (66) 
120 8 
The symbols are defined as follows: 
Ns1 = — dy11 — dys5 + dyss + dyss — dx11 + dx15 — 
a dx, + dxs5 

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