Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Ni = — dyı1 + dyıs — dysı + dyss + dx11 + dxig — dxg4 — 
— dx55 
Ns3 = dyıı — dyıs — dysı +dyss + dxj1 9 dx45 + dxsı + dxs5s 
Ng, — dyı1 + dyıs + dysı + dyas + dx11 — dX15 — dx51+ dX55 
Nss = — dy11 t dyis — dysi -F dyss — dx41 — dxıs + dx5 + 
+ dxas 
The weight and correlations numbers are: 
Mn. 0.0 72 
EC 832 2) 
nd 4 + Ba? ç2 
De od diurno (73) 
"n 24a4 
Rat 5¢4 + 8a? c? c? cot? 
Q - = SE tee inl + (74) 
Yet 24a4 2a2 
QE te (75) 
Qv, 2a? sin?o ; : 
de = 76 
4a2 (6) 
OQ — € 
Zoo 2434 (77) 
de ETS (78) 
eo 2421 
c(5c2 4- 4a?) > 
yy = ————————— (79 
Quy > 79) 
Qu = e(Sc? -F 4a2) (80) 
7e 24a4 
c cot e 
QO, =— —— (81 
T 4a? en 
Q -——— (82) 
4a? sin e

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