Table 16.
| Radial distortion
| 1
1 | dr, = > (— dx'aa. -+ dx'45)
| 1
r' — 44.8 mm | dr’, = 3 (— dy'a4 + dy's4)
2 | dr, = V2 (— dx'as -- dx'as — dx'sa -- dx'ss)
r = 6050 mm dr’, > V2 (— dy'ss — dy'ss + dy's3 + dy'ss
! 4
3 dr! == > (— dx'4» + dx'a4e)
r' — 89.5 mm dr”, = > (— dy'24 + dy'64)
um |
4 dr, — V3. (— dx'ss 4 dx'as — 2dx'a2 + 2dx’se
20 — 2dx'52 + 2dx'56 — dx'e3 + dx'es)
, / 2 , , , ,
1’ = 1006mm | 4d y = Y: (— 2dy'23 — 2dy'25 — dy'32 — dy'36 + |
€ + dy's2 + dy's6 + 2dy'63 + 2dy'6s) |
5 dr’, = YZ (— dx'22 4 dx'sg — dx'e» -Ldx'ee)
| r' — 126.6 mm | dr, “vi (—dy'22 — dy'26 + dy'e2 -- dy'ee)
| 4
tion of two aerial photographs and simultaneously estimate the magni-
tude of the residual errors as standard error of unit weight of image
coordinate measurements.
The Oland test area has been briefly described in reference 91). In
a comparatively flat bed rock area on the island of Oland a regular grid
of the size about 6 X 6 kilometers has been constructed on the ground.
The grid consists of 25 points, which are rigidly marked on the ground
and which are signalled with circular concrete plates with a diameter of
1) The test area was constructed in cooperation between The Geographical
Survey Office, The Board of Land Survey and the Divsion of Photogrammetry
at the Royal Institute of Technology.