Fig. 3. Total lens distortion curve for the unit Aviogon camera + infra filter
determined by means of the "y-parallax method", applied to two consecutive pairs
of stereoscopic pictures.
3.3 Vertical Parallaxes
When dealing with a pair of stereoscopic pictures with certain lens
distortion, it may be stated that co-pertinent rays in the two pictures
originating from a point on the object intersect no longer when the
pencil of rays in the stereo-instrument is reconstructed but cross in
space. Thus, in the intersecting plane illustrated in fig. 4, a discrepancy
will result in a parallax p which be divided into the horizontal compo-
nent p, and the vertical component p, [14].
By means of vector symbols this relation may be written [11].
— => —
D DL D tutte Soa (1)
^ ^
If the unit vectors are symbolized by p, and p, we get
— —> A
P | P, | Ph
> + AU S RN. di Wit ul (2)
and p, = |p, | "P,