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When reading the target images, magnification and illumination shall be
adjusted to obtain maximum resolving power values. A low power stereoscopic
microscope will be found suitable for most reading.
Resolving power shall be stated in lines per millimetre relative to a flat distor-
tion-free image. When the ratio of the camera and collimator focal lengths is being
used to compute the resolving power at the image which corresponds to a certain
size of test object, correction off-axis shall be made only for the “cos” and “cos?”
factors affecting resolving power values on radial and tangential lines.
NOTE: If a lens is deliberately designed with large negative distortion to
improve field of view or image illumination the resolving power values
which can be obtained by actual measurement of line separations in “com-
pressed” areas on the film are misleadingly large. These areas have to be
expanded before used to give a distortion-free image as is obtained in con-
ventional systems. This expansion reduces the resolving power.
The use of “cos” and “cos?” correcting factors can be made unneces-
sary by using a variety of off-axis targets which have been deliberately
distorted in accordance with these factors to suit the angles at which they
are used.
Lines per millimetre means dark lines per millimetre or light lines per mil-
limetre. The resolving power is equal to the reciprocal of the centre to centre
distance in millimetres for lines of the same shade. For annuli it is the reciprocal
of the mean ring diameter.
If it is wanted, average resolving power shall be obtained from a set of
readings at various field angles by weighting each resolution value by the propor-
tion of the total format area which it represents.
For the purpose of the preceding section, resolving power on radial lines and
resolving power on tangential lines may be averaged by taking the geometric
NOTE: Averaging resolving power on radial and tangential lines is
mentioned since it is currently done, although the geometric mean is not a
true measure of merit.
Presentation of Results
Routine Tests
For routine tests of a well-known lens and camera the report shall give at
least a description of the test method including target, filter, focus setting(s),
apertures, emulsion, and development, and a statement of the resolving power
along a diagonal. Where radial and tangential lines are used, data shall be given
for both.
Characterization Tests
For characterization of a lens and camera type at least the following infor-
mation shall be given.
A description of the test method including target, filter, focus settings, aper-
tures, emulsion, and development.