Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Computers. : GROUND. n 
The Doppler infor- |poprier | WAL. PRESENT PRESEN, | TRF" 2 L'estance | ph 
mation, to be used for | papar d POSITION. x | DISTANCE es DISPLAY 
navigation, can be com- vetociry | COMPUTER COMPUTER | DESTINATION | STATIONS 
bined with the com- CAPES 
puter as illustrated in D. AUTOPILOT 
See a6 ox naviga: HEADING —— > CAMERA EXPOSURE 
ional purposes, the DESTINATION 
computer must trans- 
form the Doppler in- HEADING 
formation and the REFERENCE : ; 
Fig. 16. 
heading information 
into polar coordinates (course + distance vector) but for survey navigation the output 
should be supplied in rectangular or grid coordinates in order to enable the airplaine to 
cover predetermined parallel flight lines; this can be achieved by having the computer 
command the autopilot, or by ma- 
nual flying on the display which 
may be a map with planned survey 
RE ALT a. Dopplerradar 
\ TTT Abtrift 
i ; flight lines. Examples are the Ana- 
|, Magn. |Kreiselstabilisierter dac, the Automatic navigation plot- 
Steuerkurs Kompof ting board, Marconi's Ground Posi- 
Koppelrechner tion Indicator, and the Automatische 
Eigen- Eigen” Koppelkarte. The functioning of such 
(geschwindigkeit | geschwindigkeitsmesser 
a system may be as follows (fig.17). 
! Input into the computer: Doppler 
velocity, drift angle, magnetic bear- 
' ing, airplane speed IAS, (these data 
d Kors ober Grund Inputs by means of instruments), and 
NS the grivation (by means of manual in- 
put). The computer delivers as out- 
put: course over ground (magnetic), 
course over ground (in grid coordina- 
tes) airplane ground speed, ground 
distance travelled, present position 
(in grid coordinates), drift angle, 
wind vector. This output is display- 
ed at a map, supplied with a trans- 
parant flight line grid disk. Prede- 
termined survey flight lines can 
thus be flown within close tolerances. 
The computer takes over as a 
Kurs über Grund 
| zum Ziel 
fem = m 
O Kortengerät 
Fig. 17. dead reckoning computer (using the 
Abtrift — Drift air speed and wind vector) in case 
Eigengeschwindigkeit — 
Grundgeschwindigkeit — 
Kartengerät c 
Koppelrechner — 
Kompass — 
Kurs über Grund — 
Kurz zum Ziel — 
Indicated air speed (IAS) 
Ground speed 
Map display 
DR Computer 
Gyro compass 
Course to destination. 
the Doppler signal fails, e.g. due to 
the presence of water surfaces (see 
paragraph 1.1). The USAF Auto- 
matic navigation plotting board 
consists of a computer handling a 
number of input data and plotting 
continuously the airplane’s present 
position on standard A.F. charts.

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