Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

zontal control 
Aero Service 
o 78, Ottawa. 
ing. Proc. of 
. Seminar on 
uring system, 
avigation sys- 
of line meas- 
rs’ conference 
it. Emp. Sur- 
.E. Trans. on 
ar navigation, 
1s. S. A.LE.E., 
navigation in 
im scale map- 
1 New Guinea 
f Geodesy and 
play and com- 
Toronto 1959. 
llowdale 1959. 
ingng., XVIII, 
jngmg., XVIII, 
ation to photo- 
>, Bildmess. u. 
Ges. f. Luft- 
No 5, October 
surveyor, XIII, 
[45] Eden, J. A., Airborne profile recorder. Photogramm. Record, II, 10, p. 263, 1959. 
[46] Smith, T. Brian., Application of the airborne profile recorder to photogram- 
metric mapping. Proc. Commonwealth survey officers’ conference 1959. 
[47] Kozevnikov, N. P., Ispo zovanie pokazanij radiovysotomera i statoskopa pri 
sozdanii kart masstabov 1 : 10000 i 1: 25 000. (Use of the radar altimeter and 
statoscope indications for mapping in scales 1 : 10.000 and 1 : 25.000.) Geode- 
zija i Kartografija, Vol. 4, 36, 1960. 
[48] Fish, R. W., The type 67 stabilized camera mounting. Photogramm. Rec., II, 5, 
[49] Nistri, U. A practical procedure for carrying out spatial stereo-triangulation. 
Photogramm. Engng., XXI, 132, March 1955. 
[50] Läofstrôm, K. G., Horizontkontrollierte Aeropolygonierung. Publ. No 46, Finn. 
Geod. Inst. 1955. 
[51] Helava, U. V., Horizon camera method. Can. Surveyor, XIII, 8, 1957. 
[52] Roberts, A., Torquer stabilized mount for convergent mapping camera. Photo- 
gramm. Engng., Dec. 1958, p. 744-156. 
[53] Trott, T., Technical descriptions of various Aeroflex vertical reference units. 
New York 1959 and 1960. 
[54] ‘Levick, 'T, 
[55] Stewart, W., ; ; EA 
[56] Doyle, I Panel discussion on camera stabilization. 
t J , *3 
[57] Beck, R. I Photogramm. Engng., XXII, p. 646, 1956. 
[68] Heidelauf,U. K, , 
[69] Schermerhorn, W., Actual problems in aerial survey. I.T.C. Publications No 
A/B. 1, 1959. 
[60] Trombetti, C., Triangolazione solare Santoni. Internat. Archives, Comm. III, 
Washington 1952. 
[61] Santoni, E. Triangulation aérienne solaire. Internat. Archives, the Hague 
[62] Aeroflex Corp. Various reports on performance tests using vertical reference units, 
WADC 1959. 
Spatial attitude. 
[63] Klass, Ph. Inertial navigation. Aviation Week, 1956, No 1, p. 32. No 2, p. 42, 
No 3, p. 94, No 4, p. 76. 
[64] Andersen, E. W., Inertia navigation systems. J. Inst. Navigation, 1958, p. 231- 
[65] Holahan, J., Three approaches to inertial system design. Aviation Age, Nov. 
1957, p. 130-140. 
[66] Horsfall, R. B. Stellar inertial navigation. I.R.E. Transaction on aeronautical 
and navigational electronics, June 1958, p. 106-114. 
[67] Nichinson, D. B., An automatic astro compass. Kollsman Instr. Corp. Navi- 
gation Mag., Vol, 6, 3, 1958. 
[68] Allen, L. D., Kearfott Co. Constant compass heading for great circle navigation 
and the N-1 compass system. Navigation Mag., Bol 3, 9, 1953. 
[69] Burka, S. M., Polar Compasses, WADC. Navigation Mag. Vol. 4, 3, 1954. 
[70] Eaton, E. P. Star trackers. Navigation Mag., Vol. 6, 1, 1958. 

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