Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

efore, if after put- 
s in relative orien- 
e according to the 
by the statoscope, 
he fore and aft di- 
ral direction by in- 
strips, you can le- 
direction also. Of 
ou heights on the 
u must come down 
the ground in or- 
you want to know 
rder to know how 
| can get from the 
yr clearance. How- 
rather overlooked 
APR is that it is 
1 in order to level 
| you can level the 
a statoscope. That 
hink on the A P R, 
then is concerned 
down the strip you 
ou must know the 
1uch to come down 
al to the ground. 
onal measurements 
rance of the radar 
e error from accu- 
quire it necessarily 
ph. Therefore, you 
n this level. 
idition to what has 
\ PR, I would like 
field of application 
he reduction of the 
) reduce the obser- 
e and we must in- 
'equire knowledge 
e used in a simple 
s in the drift angle. 
y know that in Ca- 
nited investigations 
in view of its direct 
and we found that 
with quite high de- 
ed figures of about 
‚So it is quite good. 
> Doppler system is 
which accumulates 
1e longer distances 
e. We find, for in- 
ces of the order of 
'rrors in distances 
es. Comparing with 
can be used for the 
same purpose, the APR seems to be at least 
ten times more precise. Therefore, you can see 
there are very nice applications for both me- 
thods, but for the direct mapping operation we 
think that the A P R probably is superior, even 
as far as the determination of distance is con- 
cerned, and also A P R can set the determina- 
tion of elevation. 
I do not think we have time — and this is not 
the appropriate Commission — to discuss the 
direct application of A P R for mapping, but I 
would not entirely be in agreement with Mr 
Herr Dr BRUCKLACHER: Ich möchte etwas 
bemerken noch zum Problem Statoskop oder 
Radarprofilhóhenmesser. Der Statoskop gibt 
Hóhendifferenzen für einen ganz genau defi- 
nierten Punkt, nàmlich für den Aufnahmestand- 
punkt. Diese Hóhendifferenzen kónnen infol- 
gedessen sehr einfach und auch sehr eindeutig in 
einem Auswertegerät bei der Aerotriangulation 
eingesetzt werden. Sie verhindern dann die be- 
kannte Aufbiegung der Streifen. Beim Profil- 
hôhenmesser dagegen hat man ein Profil am 
Boden. Man kann dieses Profil natürlich für 
die Massaberechnung mitverwenden, wenn man 
aber an die Hôhenbestimmung denkt, so wird 
man eben dieses Profil verwenden, um nachher 
bei der Ausgleichung eine Vermittlung der 
Fehler zu erhalten. Die einzelnen Punkte im 
Profil sind aber nicht so präzise bestimmt, ein- 
mal wegen des Abstrahlwinkels des Radarpro- 
filgerätes, zweitens wegen der Topographie im 
Gelände, längs dem Profil, und schiesslich we- 
gen der Identifizierung der Profilpunkte im 
Messbild selbst auf Grund von Bildneigungen, 
die auch immer etwas beeinflusst. Insofern 
kann man im Hinblick auf die Aerotriangula- 
tion die Frage stellen, ob der Radarprofilmesser 
oder das Statoskop mehr Vorteile bietet. Der 
Radarprofilmesser hat mindestens einen we- 
sentlich grösseren Umfang in Bezug auf den 
Einbau im Gerät und auch wahrscheinlich in 
Bezug auf die Kosten. 
Mr F. L. ConrEN: Mr Sewell is not here 
otherwise I would have been inclined to ask him 
about the performances of Aerodist. This is a 
system which, as you may know, is developed 
from the Tellurometer — it is being developed 
now — and is being tried now in the US A in 
flight trials. I was very interested in the first 
practical flight test results, but I fear that we 
must wait for another occasion. 
Therefore, switching over now to the prob- 
lem of verticality I would like to remind you 
of Mr Trombetti's publication about solar peris- 
copes in Commission III. We will not repeat it 
here because that is more the application, but 
we came to the conclusion that in analytical 
triangulation the solar periscope can be even 
more accurate than it is now. 
Mr Trott from Aeroflex has some interest- 
ing things to tell us. 
Mr. T. TROTT: There are essentially two 
classes of vertical reference systems for airborne 
applications. The first class uses a pendulum 
for its basic reference. A gyroscope is slaved to 
this reference and the slaving is made so weak 
that is does not respond to the short-period de- 
viations of the pendulum. Various systems in 
this class involve using various levels of approx- 
imate corrections to the pendulum, but pre- 
cision is always dependent on the presumption 
that the mean position of the pendulum is true 
vertical. This approaches the truth only for no- 
minally straight and level unaccelerated flight. 
The second class of systems are the inertial 
systems. This type of system is a Schuler system, 
designed to give optimum verticality and low 
motion rates such as are required in photogra- 
phic platforms. The basic principle of operation 
is to establish a stationary platform, stationary 
relative to the inertial base, relative to the fixed 
stars in other words, by using three gyroscopes 
which are mutually perpendicular. Two acce- 
lerometers are located in the platforms and these 
are used to measure the linear accelerations of 
the vehicle as it moves over the earth’s surface. 
The integration of these measurements of acce- 
leration is then used to rotate the platform in 
inertial space so that it always keeps up with 
the position of the local vertical. 
Systems of this sort are almost entirely de- 
pendent for their accuracy upon the accuracy of 
the components involved. It can be shown that 
a perfect system of this type is entirely analo- 
gous to a pendulum equal in length to the 
earth’s radius which would oscillate at a period 
of 84 minutes. Such a pendulum, and the system 
based on this principle, would be capable of a 
high degree of accuracy without any limitation 
or restrictions on the flight conditions, except 
those limitations imposed by the instrumenta- 
tion. In the case of the Aeroflex vertical refer- 
ence system built on these principles, the only 
limitations are restrictions to less than five g's 
of acceleration, less than 900 knots speed, since 
the integration of the acceleration is limited, and 
no greater than + 85° in pitch. As long as the 
aircraft navigation and manoeuvres remain 
within these limits the system will produce a 

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