Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

(1) "The Effects of Motion on Resolution," by T. Trott, paper presented 
to 1960 Convention of American Society of Photogrammetry - to be published. 
(2) "Development of Aerial Camera Stabilization and Its Effect on Photo- 
grammetry and Photointerpretation," by T. Trott, Photogrammetric Engineer- 
ing, March 1957. 
(3) "Technical Description of Various Aeroflex Vertical Reference 
Units," by T. Trott, (unpublished) The Aeroflex Corporation. 
(4  "Aberration of Pendulum and Gyroscopic Instruments Due to Accel - 
eration of the Transporting Craft," by Maximilian Schuler, Physik Zertschrift, 
Volume 24, p. 344, 1923. 
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