Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

SINGER, J.-R. — Information theory and the human visual system. ]. Opt. Soc. Amer. 49 (1959) 
RONCHI, V. — Critica delle moderne teorie della visione e della misura dei colori. Atti del VIII? Con- 
gresso internazionale della tecnica cinematografica (Turin, 1956) 83-88. 
RONCHI, V. — II cannocchiale avvicina o ingrandisce ? Atti della Fond. G. RoNcH! 12 (1957) (5) 397-399. 
RONCHI, V. — Sulle relazioni tra « spazio apparente» e « spazio reale ». lbid. 13 (1958) (6) 477-478. 
GUNTHER, N. — Die Struktur des Sehraumes. Stutgart, Wissensch. Verlagsgesellsch. m. b. H., 1955. 
GÜNTHER, N. — Fernoptische Beobachtungs- und Messinstrumente. 1bid., 1959. 
GUNTHER, N. — Die subjektive Vergrösserung von optischen Beobachtungsgeräten. A paraitre en 1960 
dans les Illmenauer Hochschulnachrichten. 
LUNEBURG, R.-K. — Mathematical analysis of binocular vision. Princeton, Univ. Press, 1947. 
LUNEBURG, R.-K. — Metric methods in binocular visual perception, in : Courant anniversary volume. 
New York, Interscience Publ, New York Univ. Press, 1948, pp. 215-240. 
LUNEBURG, R.-K, — J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 40 (1950) 627-642. 
HARDY, L.-H.; RAND, G.; RITTLER, M.-C.; BLANK, A.-A. et BOEDER, P. — The geometry of binocular 
space perception. New York, Columbia Univ., 1953. 
SHIPLEY, T. — Convergence function in binocular space. 1. A note on theory. ]. Opt. Soc. Amer. 
47 (1957) (9) 795-803. 
SHIPLEY, T. — Convergence function in binocular space. 11. Experimental report. Ibid, 804-821. 
BLANK, A.-A. — Axiomatics of binocular vision. The foundations of metric geometry in relation to 
space perception. lbid. 48 (1958) (5) 328-334. 
BLANK, A.-A. — Analysis of experiments in binocular space perception. Ibid. (12) 911-925. 
BLANK, A.-A. — The Luneburg theory of binocular space perception, in : Psychology, a study of 
science (KocH, S.), Study I, vol, 1. New York, Mc Graw Hill, 1958. 
von FRIJTAG DRABBE, C.-A.-]. — Some new aspects in stereoscopic vision. Photogrammetria, 
8 (1951-1952) 168-179. 
von FRIJTAG DRABBE, C.-A.-J. — Some observations on our visual powers and stereoscopic observa- 
tion. S.l.n.d. 
von FRIJTAG DRABBE, C.-A.-J. — Enige beschouwingen over ons visueel vermogen en de stereosco- 
pische waarneming. S.l.n.d. (texte néerlandais du précédent). 
MACKENSEN, G. — Graefe's Archiv f. Ophth. 160 (1958) (1) 47-67. 
CHRISTENSEN, H. — Observations of image movements relative to the retina during fixation. Acta 
ophthalm. 37 (1959) (1) 1-16. 
GINSBORG, B.-L. et MAURICE, D.-M. — Involuntary movements of the eye during fixation and 
blinking. Brit. J. of Ophthalm. 43 (1959) (7) 435-437. 
CAMPBELL, F.-W.; ROBSON, ].-G. et WESTHEIMER, G. — Fluctuations of accomodation under steady 
viewing conditions. J. physiol. (Londres) 145 (1959) (3) 579-594. 
STANLEY-JONES, D. — Cybernetics of ocular movements. Brit. J. of Ophthalm. 42 (1958) (10)595-604. 
SINGLETON, R. — Vertical exaggeration and perceptual models. Photogramm. Engng. 22 (1956) 175-178. 
RAASVELDT, H.-C. — The stereomodel, how it is formed and deformed. lbid. 22 (1956) 708-726. 
MILLER, C.-1. — The stereoscopic space-image. Ibid. 24 (1958) (5) 810-815. 
LEMAIRE, G. — Notions élémentaires sur la vision stéréoscopique, l'index spatial et le stéréométre. 
Bruxelles, Inst. géogr, milit, 1957 (autographie). 
CRUSET, J. — Influence du chromatisme de l'eil sur la perception du relief en vision binoculaire 
Comm. présentée aux Journées internationales de la Couleur (Toulouse, mars 1958). 
CRUsET, J. — Optique appliquée et photographie. Paris, Publ, techn. de l'Inst. géogr. national, 1957 
LINKSZ, A. — Optics and visual physiology. A.M.A. Arch. of Ophthalm. 61 (1959, I) (6) 944-1003 
(VIII : Space perception, stereopsis, and aniseikonia). 
VERAIN, A. — Vision binoculaire et appréciation des distances. Arch. d'Ophtalm. 18 (1958) 753-755. 

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