Testing of Stereo Vision Quality
By dr P. O. Fagerholm, Sweden
As stereo-vision is of importance not only for the work in stereo-
plotters but also for the more or less general use of stereo-photographs,
especially aerial photographs, in planning, photointerpretation etc., the
author has made some studies about a couple of testing methods used in
Sweden during the last decade.
The first method is based on the wellknown "Zeiss Prufungstafel”
which contains a lot of circles, dots and small silhouettes arranged in
three dimensions. The testpicture is to be viewed through an ordinary
pocket stereoscope. Thirteen "problems" have been selected — the per-
son to be tested has to group in each problem 2 to 5 details in depth or-
der. A correct answer to a problem gives certain points, which have
been based on the results of the first 300—400 tests. The maximum-
sum is 10 points.
'The second method is the American "Wirt-test" which uses the pola-
roid-vectograph-system to separate the two images which are superim-
posed on each other. Maximum-sum is 14 points.
These two test methods are of quite different nature and contain,
each of them good and less-good features. The sum of the two tests has
been regarded as giving a more true result, consequently.
The author has analyzed about 1.100 of the estimated 3—4.000 tests
performed in Sweden during the last decade. The persons tested have
been students at the Royal Institute of Technology and the forest
schools as well as participants in various courses for surveyors, carto-
graphers, dentists etc. The distribution; however, in various ages, types
of work etc. is rather un-equal. The testing procedure has also been
varying to a certain extent. Consequently, the author has not been in-
clined to proceed to far with the analysis.
The following approximate results may be of interest. Each result
should be accompanied by several comments but space does not allow
1. The distribution in the "Stereoscope-test", the "Polaroid-test" and
the "Sum-test" is shown in Fig. 1. A jump can be found at 10 points in
the last mentioned test and similar jumps in the two basic tests. The
separation between the good results is obviously far to small,