Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

C7 -funclions for Three Lenses 
irgets from the air. 
oÜntinuously variable 
0 3 000 m have been 
nd 9 show among others, 
m jet-aircraft bas been 
ched 14 m. With an ol- 
his value is not compa - 
values, frequencies 
tem may be calculated. 
r actual cenditions in 
%. From fig 10 is among 
er fig 11 shows that lens 
image motion is decisi- 
er response for 1/750 sec 
int, When magnification 
ition has been suggested 
eye has been closer exa- 
n of the size and form of 
fig 12 should be represen- 
. Thus the difference bet- 
gnification must be consi- 
graphic system has re- 
ould be of importance in 
e, The accuracy in photo- 
ought to be connected with 
such an investigation the 
e Institute of Optical Rese- 
fer function has been de- 
ie lens, the emulsion, the 
'his investigation is going 
ric measurements it should 
Filter 5300 A 
Image Centre 
used in precision mapping cameras 
Focus for max CT at 40 l/mm f/56 
ussions I, IV and VII. 0 
enz, 3, Sonderheft, 
ademi-Verlag, Berlin. 
Swedish) ^ 
America 46, 707. 
| Photographic Science 
Frequency 40 l/mm 
Filter 5300 A 
Image Center 
C7-func?ions for Different Focus 
195115. C7 
lenses." National Bureau 
es als Beitrag zur Frage 
' Mitteilung aus der 
talt, Optik 16, 1959:3. AT TS 
^ © je T 
photographic systems," ZA et N 
Research Laboratories ^ is + NI 
n Ds, JIT 
Focus a ; Focus 
-0.4 70.2 0 +0.2 +0.4 mm 
Focus Shift af Different Wavelengths 
Frequency 40 Umm 
Image Centre 
mm / x 
0.44 rr m f 
. / ı 
034 I Fig. 2 / | 
024 | 
: | 
01-4 1 | 
| | 
| | 
0 = | 
| | 
| | 
-O1- | 
| | T 
\ | 
021% | | 
“| | 
-03- | 
—04+ | | 
| t | 
I x | 
-054 "es. d rt | 
e | 
. | ki | Yellow | Orange | | Red 
4000 5000 6000 7000 A 
cr for five Kodak aerial film emulsions 
Panatomic Ÿ 
a D sat SN Plus Y 
Se Az Super XX 
<< . 
me, NrrX 
0 U— Infrared 
T v ; Frequency 
0 10 20 30 40 50 1/mm ke 

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