Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Model deformations on Stereo-plotting Instruments of the ard order 
with the Space Solution and: Their Compensational 
: Possibilities 
Photogrammetric Institute University 
The equations of model deformations for space stereo-plotting instruments 
of the third order are developed. The unresumed inner and external orientation, 
the realization of points of intersection at homological rays causing by moving 
the right photograph resp. ray in the transverse direction (Y) were supposed. IN 
‚Because: of a great number of deformation and displacement equations only 
the terms of the first order and the most important ones of the second order are 
given (table no.I and II). 
The deformations and displacements of horizontal model plain are given in 
sketch for single oriental elements on the fig.4 and 5. 
The circumstances at some characteristic instruments of this kind (Stereo- 
flex, Multiscope), and some equations for left deformations are considered. Po- 
Ssibilities for the partial compensational deformation with convenient pieces 
added of photographs on simple instruments are given. 

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