In last gears an intensive growth. of simple, cheap stereoplotting instru |
ments of the 3T? order can be perceived in photogrammetry.: By the construable
solution they are devided in planimetric and space. ones.: The deformations and
corresponding correctional installations for planimetric instruments are: found
out to a large. extent already, the circumstances of space ones in the contrary
very unexaminated.
The intention of this article is to reach for the nature of stereo-model
. deformations,: to adapt it to the conditions of existent stereo-plotting. instru-
ments of the zrd order with the space: solution and. to indicate the possibilities
of partial compensation of deformations by simple. grips.
.We suppose: that the inner photograph-orientations of a stereopair arent
resumed. and. that the bundles. of both rays are in an incorrect reciprocal.posi-
tion. Because: of an unresumed inner. orientation the: photogrammetrical bundles of
rays aren't congruent. to those. ones we. have at photographing..The incorrect: re-
ciprocal position of both bundles of rays causes: that the homological.rays of
both sheaves in space are: fleeting. We: lead them: to the points: of intersection
by the progressive displacement of one photograph or bundle in the transverse
line on the basis (Y). It's clear, that the points of intersection getting in
this way, retire from the correct positions of belonging model-points.
In these retirements resp. displacements the following components are
a) the parallel displacement of complete model;
b) the stift turning of model (round three: rotatory axis (x,y,z);
c) the change of model-measure and
d) model-deformations
The object of following discussions. will be model deformations above
all, because the other components. (a,b and c) can be taken with their absolut
We suppose an. ideal. instrument and. photograph. by ascribing the resulting
displacements. of model points to:
1. the unresumed inner orientation and
2. the unresumed external orientation of bundies of rays.
We mark the errors of inner orientation with dx, dy and df, the errors
of external one with dby,, db,, db,
(translations), p,x and w (rotations)
(Fig.l). The index 1 would refer to
the left, the index 2 to the right
photograph. of stereo-pair. The signs
of displacements and rotations are
evident from the picture no.1. The
elements db,, db,, and.db, are:di
fferences: of photd-basis..components
in axis. directions: of space 'co-ordi
nate system (x,y,z); the displace-
ments dx,.dÿ and df refer to the
photographic coordinate .:system (x,j])
Model deformations
— —
The point of intersection of the rays ¥, and V, determines the correct
space position of the point T(x,y,z) (Fig.2). Because of an incorrect inner
orientation the vectors V, and ‘7, move out for the amounts
t anc
of d
dx, -
the m
and a
t ion