Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Recapitulation of Presented Papers and other Topics 
In this meeting several authors give an in- 
troduction to their papers. These papers are 
included in this part of the Archives, 
Mr P. DAMAYE gives a summary of the paper 
“L’anamorphose des Faisceaux Perspectifs en 
Photogrammétrie; Application à certains Appa- 
reils de Restitution" published by the Institut 
Géographique National. 
Mr NisrRI does the same with his paper 
“Influence of Analytical Aerial Triangulation 
Performed with Stereocomparators and Elec- 
tronic Computors in the Construction and Use 
of Photogrammetrical Plotters”. 
Mr HALLERT gives a brief summary of the 
results which have been obtained through the 
research work performed within Sub-Commis- 
sion IV-4. (See part 5, page 197.) 
Archives 4 
Mr KnáÁTKY reads the Zusammenfassung" 
of his paper “Affine Entzerrung van Senkrecht- 
aufnahmen in unebenem Gelände”. 
Then Mr HALLERT mentions the main points 
of the papers “General Differential Formulae of 
the Complete Projective Relations between 
Planes” and “Determination of the Flatness of a 
Surface in Comparison with a Control Plane”. 
Mr GENTY summarizes his paper “Note sur 
un procédé de levé topographique par voie 
photogrammétrique” and Mr THOREN gives a 
short introduction to his paper “Date Processing 
Methods in Correcting Stereoautographs”. 
Finally Mr BAETSLE mentions the points of 
interest of his paper “Photogrammétrie numé- 

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