Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

triangulation, which will furnish the necessary data to commercial organizations 
for photogrammetrical plotting. T'hus, there will be created, as commercial practices 
require (which means research for the lowest cost in order to render the services 
more widely accessible), specialized industrial enterprises which will always attempt 
to improve the nature of their work and always aim at supplying better services 
at lower costs. 
Also, the task of preparing new photographs through the use of the Telescopic 
Photoprinter will certainly be transferred to the organization which provides for 
the performing of aerial triangulation and which will be equipped with the stereo- 
comparator, because this organization will be much more able to appreciate the 
delicacy and importance of the new operation. 
This is the evolved process foreseen by me for the near future and which 
strong economic laws impose. ] must conclude that such prospect will be most 
interesting to those of us who have experienced the trials of working with new 
concepts and ideas. It is well known that such work, especially in the scientific 
and technical field, is always met with initial doubts and dislike. 
[ cannot conclude this short report of mine without a look to the future. The 
tendency, in fact, is to attain directly autographic tracing of the topographic map 
similar to that accomplished with present modern plotters, without passing through 
the formation of the optical model, entrusting to the electronic computer the task 
of solving the relations occuring between the stereoscopic pair and the orthographic 
projection of the optical model. 
Research and development of this instrument, the theoretical program of which 
is due to Mr. Blachut and Mr. Helava of the National Research Council of Canada, 
are in progress with the assistance of OMI and Bendix Computer Division tech- 
At the next Congress there will thus be a new and vast subject of interest, 
but now we must say a reverent homage to Prof. Dolezal who, with the clear- 
sightedness of pioneers, had the excellent idea of founding our Society, to which 
Society is due, in great part, the development of photogrammetry. 

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