Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

under point 3 are of systematic character and are to be determined from the measure- 
ments and computations. 
2.1. Corrections due to lacking parallelism between the control plane and the plane 
Lack of parallelism can be caused by two rotations d and d£ around axes 
which are identical with the co-ordinate axes x and y (see Fig. 1). Since the two 
planes can always be adjusted approximately parallel, the angles dz and d£ can 
be regarded as small. A small translation dh, is also introduced, see Fig. 1. 
The elevation error dh in an arbitrary point, and determined as dh — hy easured — 
lyiven Can be interpreted as caused by the translation dh, and the rotations dn and 
d£ according to the formula (see Fig. 1) 
dh — dhq4 xd ^ yd£. oe sail) 
Applying the expression (1) to the points 1-3 (Fig. 1) we find 
dh, = dho + x dy + y, dé, 
dh, = dhy + xod - y, d£, > 42502) 
dhs = dhy + x3dn + y 3 dé. 
Fhe errors dlig, dy and dé can now be determined as direct functions of the elevation 
errors dh, — dh4 in solving the equation system (2). 
I he condition for the solution is evidently 
LX, Ji 
b xe di: 
| x3 Ys 
This condition means that the three points must not lie on a straight line. 
The corrections to the preliminary values of hy, » and £ are obtained after 
changing the signs of one side of the equation system (2). 
After solving the equation system we then find the corrections 
= dh,(X2 V3 — X3 V2) + dha(X3 V1 — X1 Y3) + dh3(x1 V2 — X2 V1) 
dh, — : s 340) 
V10X2 — Xa) + yo(Xa — X1)  ya(1 — x2) 
dm = dh,(y2 — y3) + dho(y3 — V1) + dh3(91 — V2) (d) 
yi(Xa — xa) - yo(xa — x1) - yaQ — x2) 3 S 
di dh,(xa — x3) - dhs(x4 — xa) + dhy(xs—x3). (5) 
yi(Xa — xa)  yo(xa— X3) t ya(X1 — X3) 
After substituting the expressions (3) - (5) into the expression (1) corrections 
dh. can evidently be computed to arbitrary points with the co-ordinates x and y. 
The final elevations A,4 are then determined from the expression 
Aginar = Ameasurea + Ahcorr- 2.06) 
Then the final elevations can be compared with the control elevations and the 
elevation discrepancies can be directly determined. 
2.2. The accuracy of the procedure ; 
The accuracy of the determination of the final elevation discrepancies is evi- 
dently identical with the accuracy of the Anna if the control elevations can be re- 
garded as free from errors. It is consequently of basic importance for the judgement 

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