Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

(c) For 80 , àY = O and dé = (0,0,1) 
SEN 7 
i.e. Coefficient of dX is 1 I -G(x-u)-(x'-U) and similarly 
IYxe| ix-Y | 
Coefficient of àV is 1  [I-2(y-y)-(y'-v)uY* Spe on (v ) 
FE ) E v)-(Y-v) 
— Monel I Y + - i *- LA +X - 
sa liés 6-6 je ie 4.5 e 
and similarly. 
Again, for the (0~C) constant term which forms the right 
hand side of the observation equation one has:- 
12 12 2 4*4 2 
tan (6 + de) = (y-y -x-x )f + (xy — y) 
xx! * yy 4 f^ 
tan © = | T x2] 
and so Constant term is : 
2 | e 13,3 rpm 
LT) (zy + Xx Jf + Gy -xy) lim 
Cr. T Xs. 5 ) xx! + yy + £2 T- 5 
since d(tan6)= Sec“ o dO 
to first order

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