Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

graphs are triangulated to obtain elevations. By determining the coordinates for the 
plotting camera nadir of each exposure station in the strip triangulation 
these points according to the tangents of the angular cor 
ment, the nadir points of the exposure stations can be approximately located 
adjusted to the SHORAN positions of the exposure stations. By this 
adjustment, the effect of the random errors in the SHORAN po 
and shifting 
rections of the vertical adjust- 
sitions is 
and then 
Recent tests lead to the conclusion that altimetric data from barometers or statoscopes 
should be used for presetting bz-values in the first order stereo pl 
improve the vertical 
cedure at first order 
otting instrument to 
accuracy of strip triangulation. When APR data are used the pro- 
stereo plotting instruments consists of presetting the bz-values and 
eliminating the y-parallaxes with the rotational movements. Scale transfer by means of 
elevations of points established by APR. In case that SHORAN data are used the pro- 
cedure at a first order stereo plotting instrument is as follows: 
y-coordinates of the nadir points are obtained by summing the instrumental ba- 
values. Instrumental 
The instrumental x- and 
and by- 
%-, and y-coordinates of pass points are determined by recording 
their %-, and y-coordinate differences with respect to the preceding nadir points. These 
nadir points are located at the instrument by moving the base carriage in such a way 
that the floating mark appears in a vertical through the perspective center 
ment camera in question (zero position). 
of the instru- 
In the Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartogra hy (Professor A. Bran- 
1 1 
denberger) of the Ohio State University extensive tests were carried 
the accuracy of SHORAN-controlled air stations. These tests were 
way that the SHORAN-controiled exposure stations of vertic 
determined from these photographs using a sufficient number of ground control 
(9" X 9"/6" 
out to determine 
performed in such a 
al photographs were directly 
Metrogon Photography, resection in space with least square adjustment, test 
carried out by Dr. S. Laurila). The following standard residual errors for the SHORAN- 
determination of the exposure stations were obtained: m = M 
length = 225 
-  Tm (SHORAN base 
km, average distance of the exposure stations from the SHORAN base 
160 km, altitude of the exposure stations = 6000 m above gr.). At present a strip trian- 
gulation with statoscope data (Laufen, Switzerland, Wild RC 7-a photography) and a 
block triangulation with statoscope data (block Vercors, Switzerland, Wild RC 7-a pho- 
tography) are being carried out. New systems of block adjustment were 
the adjustment is done by using the IBM 650 Electronic Computer. Also, 
strip triangulation (Phoenix, Arixona to Los Angeles, California, 9" X 9" 6" 
Photography, flying height 12 km above gr., length of the strip 63 
of strip 11,000 km?) was triangulated at the Wild Autograph A-7. Although no auxiliary 
data were 
developed and 
a super long 
0 km, 80 models, area 
available this strip was triangulated according to the principle of aerolevelling 
(bz = 0 method). The purpose of this test was to prove that long strip triangulations 
performed by the aerolevelling method yield much smaller 
with the aeropolygon method. The following closure errors were obt 
strip triangulation (bz 
A-7, Herget Method, test carried out by Professor Doyle and Mr. 
principle of aeropolygon and the following closure errors were found: Ax 
: 0 method): 
closure errors when compared 
strip was also triangulated by the analytical method (measurements at Wild Autograph 
ained for the 630 km 
10 m. The same 
Mahoney) using the 
4800 m, 
4, — 6000 m, I, = 41,400 m (this last closure error is much larger than expected and 
can be only explained by assuming that the distortion curve of the Metrogon lens did not 
show with sufficient accuracy the actual distortion). Since this strip tri 
angulation cross- 
es areas with individual state coordinate systems it was necessary to determine the 
planimetric closure errors by using the astro-geodetic longitudes 1 and latitudes q of the 
given ground control points at the beginning and the end of the strip. This was done in 
such a way that in the case of the aerolevelling test 4 and y were converted by a con- 
TEN me 

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