Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

+3 +4 
+1 +2 
+5 +6 
Fig. 4. Location and notation of the six fundamental model points for aerial 
1.17. The systematic influence upon the intersected coordinates due to dx, 
and dx, 
Errors dx, and dx, in the relative orientation will evidently have a 
systematic effect upon the intersected coordinates. From y-parallaxes 
in for instance the six usual orientation points the errors or the correc- 
tions dx, and dx, can be computed. The y-parallaxes can be measured 
directly or they can be indirectly determined from the y'- and the y"- 
coordinates as the difference p, = y" — y. 
From the y-parallaxes in the usual six orientation points 1—6, see 
fig. 4 the corrections d, and dx, can, according to HALLERT 1944, be 
determined from the expressions 
3h 4 2d? 344d 3 h? + 2 d? 
n= Ay Pt U Ug nU 
3 h? — 2 d? 
a (ps + PO (61) 
3 h? + 4 d? 3h + 2d? 3 h? — 2 d? 
a; : . r. - ” - — ; A 5) — 
Lies 6h ^^ 65b #* ab (Po + Do) 
3 h? + 2 d? iO 
12502 — (Pa + Po) (62) 
From (61) and (62) we find 
dx, dx, 37 (— Pi + Pa — Ps + Pa — Ps + Do) (63) 
t s 

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