Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

tion in a correct way and with particular respect to the redundant 
transfer points. In general at least three transfer points seem to be 
1.222. The error accumulation in the triangulation strip 
Next we will investigate how the errors of the individual pairs of 
photographs accumulate through the strip when the individual pairs 
are connected according to the procedure which was described above. 
The error transformation between adjacent pairs of photographs is 
evidently performed by the elements of transformation dx, dy, dx and 
Again we assume the base of the first pair of photographs (— 1,0) to 
be preliminarily fixed. The errors of the center points of the individual 
photographs along the strip (0,1,2..... n—1,n,n + 1) will be expressed 
in terms of the errors of the elements of transformation from simple 
summation formulae. In this way the errors of the individual center 
points of the photographs will be expressed with respect to the center 
points —1,0 of the first pair of photographs. 'The total errors of the 
center points of a certain pair of photographs will be denoted with 
capital D. The relative errors between adjacent pairs of photographs 
will as usual be denoted with small d. 
The individual errors of the elements of transformation dz,., dy,., dx 
2 V 
and db will evidently be added from transformation to transformation. 
For the pair of photographs »— 1,» (fig. 1) we obtain 
Da, Q7 2 dx, (107) 
Uo dl 
Dy, 1,7 À dy, ds (108) 
? i=l 
1 n 
Dx 1272 dx ii (109) 
HU i 1 i ‚U 
i n 
Db a db ii (110) 
HU i 1 J 
dx, and dy, according to (107) and (108) for ¢ = 1 refer to the center 
point 0 in the pair of photographs 0,1. Only in the pair of photographs 
1,0 the center point 0 was assumed to be fixed. 

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