Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

For the determination of the total x- and y-errors of the center points 
of the strip with respect to the coordinates of the points — 1,0 we will 
use a similar procedure as was demonstrated by BACHMANN 1946. 
The total coordinate errors are denoted DX and DY. For the center 
points 1,23 ..... n — 1 the following expressions are secured. 
DX, = dby, + dx, 
DX, = 2db,, + db, , + dx, + dx, 
DX; = 3dby, + 2 db, , + dbyz + dx, + dx, + dx, 
DX; — idb,; 4- (6 — 1) db, , 4- (6 — 2) db, 4 - ..... J-2db, ;,; + 
+ db, yy dug + day, + dry +... 4 day, 
Consequently the general accumulation formula is found 
DX, = X (n — à + 1)db; 4; + X das. (111) 
Similarly the error accumulation formula for the Y-coordinates can 
be derived. 
We have 
DY, = bdo, -- dy, 
DY, = 2 bdxo, -- bdou 4 -- dy, -- dy, 
DY, = ibd xo, + (à — 1) bdo, 5 + (à — 2) bd, dT iA + bda;_1; + 
+ do, deis: + dyo, 1 
DY, — nbdxy; + (nm — 1) bd; 5 +... .. + 2bdx,,_o, 4 + bdx,_,, + 
+ dy,, + dy, + dijo, du + dijo, 
i=n i=n 
DY,=b2 (n—¢t+ dx, ,;+ À dy, (112) 
i=l i=1 
From the formulae (111) and (112) the influence upon the coordinates 
of the center points of the strip from errors in the elements of the coordi- 
nate transformations evidently can be determined. But since the errors 
of the elements of the coordinate transformations are functions of the 
errors of the image coordinate measurements, according to the expres- 

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