Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

b b2 + 2h 
db, , , 1= — 25 (dbz, || dbz,,) — 27 dq b + hdq 5. + 
+ 57 Ar, — Wr, — dy, + dy) (173) 
Next we determine the weight numbers of (170)—(173). The errors 
of the elements of the relative orientation are assumed to be caused by 
the accidental errors of the corrections (or the measurements) of the 
y-parallaxes only. Further we assume the y-parallaxes to be corrected 
or measured in the usual six orientation points fig. 4. The weight- and 
correlations numbers of the elements of the relative orientation are, 
according to HALLERT 1944 
9 h4 + 8 d* + 12 2d? 
Quay, = 12 d (174) 
Qux, = = (175) 
Q, o; = v (176) 
Cop. = = (177) 
Qu, — er (178) 
Quo, — A (179) 
Qs, 2 Y (180) 
3h 4 2d2h 
Ones E 4 da ( 181 ) 
Qi: = Qa. == Oh -— Qs, = Quo. = Quo, = Va Wr = 0 (182) 

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