Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

The pointing errors dx, and dy, are further assumed to be of the same 
magnitude as the errors of the y-parallaxes. 
Under these conditions we find the weight- and correlation numbers 
of the expressions (170)—(173) as follows 
Quo; 7 Ogg, +1 (183) 
Qua , (+de à] 
Q ove; == " 9 = | 4 p? : eb be | erst, ~~ 
(h? — d2)2 + (h? + d2)2 brad qe 
T | : E | Quo "21^ 7: + ES On 7 
| 4H pci 4b 25 v 
h? — d? h? + de 
2 fo i +1 184 
4 h i 4 h | Quy, | ( ) 
1 ~~ 
Qu; ; {0 A= Qux, | d? (185) 
p jeton ^ 
| Ve, ; 1 bi 1 9 h? Quad + | qm 4 h? RI + h? Qu.g, "EF 
| 6 (2 + 2%) ;| p? (1863 
| 9 h? "ERE | Jg b | d ) 
Qoi L1 = h Qo. Aegis 9 Qo, (187) 
| d? I 
| Q, Nil B b Q, x. dr 2 G by: (188) 
Substituting the expressions (174)—(182) we find 
Q Em 7 -] 189 
* ?oj70j pq? (189) 
41 4 d? 
Q = + (190) 
| V uoo 24 ^ 34 
2 (191) 
Va; i+1%1,1+1 3 p? d? 

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