Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

The terms dh; ,,,, and dh;; ,; are the errors of the elevation 
measurements (settings of the floating dot) in the nadir points à — 1 
and ? respectively. 
The increase of the elevation error of the model from the nadir point 
© — 1 to the nadir point à is obtained as the difference between (278) 
and (277) or in a formula 
DH — DH 404 44 = b (Dg 4, 4- Dg) + (Dbz; — Dbz, ,) + 
+ dh; LO ^ dh, D (i—1,) (279) 
The scale transfer between adjacent models is assumed to be per- 
formed by correcting elevation differences in the transfer points. 
This means in a formula 
DH, Lo = DH, -1) (280) 
After summarizing the expression (279) from ? — 0 and with regard 
to the condition (280) we find 
DH, 49 26 (Dp; + Dg, 4 ..... + Dg, ,) + bDp;, + Dbz; + 
(dh, Loy — on + (dhi con — dh;an + ++... + 
+ (dh; DG—2,4—1) ^ dh; Dit Tr dh; ; Li) (281) 
In order to simplify this expression we introduce 
dh; 14) dh; +1) = dH, (282) 
i (ii 
Consequently from (281) 
1=n—1 1=n—1 
2b X Do Do, 4 Day dE dl dila uu (8 
i=1 i=1 
n (n 1,2) 
According to (212) we find 
i =n—1 i=n 
2b 5 Dp,— 2b £ (n — 1) dy, (284) 
Inserting (284) and (215) into (283) we find after some rearrangements 
i=n i 
b = (n eu i + 1) dq i + «X dbz; + DH, 4 T dh, —1,n) (285) 
n 1,2) 
i=1 i=n 
ra m 
zou ene 

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